Customize site banner to include navigation

Curious, has anyone successfully customized the site banner widget to allow it to include the site Navigation? We are looking to do something like this: 


Where we would still have the logo and the hamburger, but then be able to have global navigation items and a smaller search window, then end with the standard profile icons. 

Wondering if this is even doable or if someone HAS been successful, was it very difficult?

Thanks all

  • Hi ! Certainly can be done, our counterparts at have implemented something like that. The top nav is a set of links and then the site banner widget is where you see Verint Connect and several more links.

    Can send you some other customer examples of folks doing similar style, but it is certainly doable! Being a non-technical person around here, I'm not sure of the level of effort, but may be able to chime in. Hopefully other folks can chime in as well with what they've done and/or share a widget they've built!

  • Hi ! Certainly can be done, our counterparts at have implemented something like that. The top nav is a set of links and then the site banner widget is where you see Verint Connect and several more links.

    Can send you some other customer examples of folks doing similar style, but it is certainly doable! Being a non-technical person around here, I'm not sure of the level of effort, but may be able to chime in. Hopefully other folks can chime in as well with what they've done and/or share a widget they've built!
