Is it possible to get metadata (author, content) about an uploaded file?

I am using a FileViewer to extend the functionality of displaying video files. The interface provides me with a Render method, which in the parameters contains information only about the file (FileName, Path, FileStoreKey). Rendering/creation can take place in any available content (gallery media, forum-thread, forum-reply, wiki, wiki-reply, blogpost etc).

I considered using Url In-Process CurrentContext API, but using it for the blogpost-replies as an example, I cannot get the metadata about the reply itself (creator, content item), the data only contains information about the root post (blogpost).

Is there a way, based on this file data, to find out the creator of this file (userId) and also get the content item itself (contentId)?

Parents Reply
  • This data is necessary for subsequent notification of the end of video file processing.

    Use case

    1. Through RTE the user uploads the file from any available content type (media gallery included)

    2. This metadata is saved in the database (link to video, userId, contentId)

    3. The file is being processed

    4. The end-user is notified by mail or through toasts about the end of processing.

    That way, the user will be informed and able to navigate to that content item (from a toast or a link in a email) to make sure the video is displayed correctly.
