Quick post message not appearing?

I have added a quick post widget to the top of the page in one group. When I have tested it by posting some text or posting an image, the posts do not show on the group homepage. What am I doing wrong?

  • A few questions:

    1. Is the activity story stream widget on the group homepage?
    2. Is the activity story stream widget configured to include status messages (including the accessing user's activity)?
    3. In Administration > Activity Stream > Options, is "Status Messages" set to "Always On" or, if its an opt-in, did your use account (in Settings) enable status messages?
    4. Was the status message flagged as abusive? Or is your user account moderated? (In either case, your status message would have appeared in the moderation queue and you should have been notified)
    5. Is there any custom automation on this site that removes or modifies status messages?
  • A few questions:

    1. Is the activity story stream widget on the group homepage?
    2. Is the activity story stream widget configured to include status messages (including the accessing user's activity)?
    3. In Administration > Activity Stream > Options, is "Status Messages" set to "Always On" or, if its an opt-in, did your use account (in Settings) enable status messages?
    4. Was the status message flagged as abusive? Or is your user account moderated? (In either case, your status message would have appeared in the moderation queue and you should have been notified)
    5. Is there any custom automation on this site that removes or modifies status messages?
  • HI Ben. Thanks for getting back to me. It would appear there's something strange going on with permissions. I checked the configuration of the widget to see if included status messages, which it didnt and that appeared to solve the problem thanks. However, I and another colleague can see and use the widget, but another colleague cant and there's no apparent reason for it. Ive also just changed the status messages in the activity stream admin to 'always on visible' as it was set as 'always on hidden'.

    Thanks again for your help.

  • I and another colleague can see and use the widget, but another colleague cant and there's no apparent reason for it.

    Could you explain more about the experience of colleague that can't use the widget? Does the widget not show, does the status message not post, etc?

  • HI Ben. Thanks. She can now see the quick post widget. However, when she posts a message and @ mentions me the message doesnt appear in the activity stream but I get a notification that Ive got a message in the notifications icon.

  • Can you view the status message if you click the notification of your mention?

    If so, you likely can't see the message in the activity stream because of the configuration of the status message filter in the widget's configuration. Review the Filter's status messages configuration,

    • Exclude activity -- will not show any status messages
    • Include accessing user's activity -- will only show you your own status messages
    • Include accessing user's followed users' activity -- will show you status messages from users you've followed, but not your own
    • Include accessing user's and followed users' activity -- will show you status messages from users you've followed as well as your own
    • Include all users' activity -- will show status messages from all users in the community
  • Yes I can. Ive just had a look, but would you mind explaining how I can review the filter's status messages configuration? Im in admin> Interface, but not sure if thats correct? I can also see that the Quick post widget is 'customised default'.

    Im confused as Im receiving other posts from other users?

  • The inclusion logic is different for each type of activity story message. It is part of the activity story stream's configuration in the front-end UI by editing the page including the widget and viewing its configuration options.