Is it possible to inherit theme options for groups and their subgroups?

Is it possible in some way to continue inheriting theme options (variables) for groups and their sub-groups?

For example, the built-in color option "Text color" in "Site Theme Options", for which there is a variable "foregroundColor" in the code.

Community structure:


  • "Group"
    • "Sub-group"
      • "Sub-sub-group"

Current result


foregroundColor: red (set manually in the "Site Theme Options")


foregroundColor: blue (set manually in the "Group Theme Options")


foregroundColor: red (inherited from the Site Theme)


foregroundColor: red (inherited from the Site Theme)

Expected result


foregroundColor: red (set manually in the "Site Theme Options")


foregroundColor: blue (set manually in the "Group Theme Options")


foregroundColor: blue (inherited from the Group Theme)


foregroundColor: blue (inherited from the Group Theme)

Based on Verint version
Default Site and Group themes.