Auto-save forum replies?

Are there any options to allow or support auto-saving or drafts on forum replies/threads?

This question came up from one of our very prominent and active contributors who writes very in-depth replies to a lot of questions in our community. If he is in the middle of a reply and has to pause for some reason (meeting, additional research, etc), he runs the risk of losing what is already written if the reply is not saved/posted. 

We have drafts for blogs, and the ability to unpublish wiki articles, but is there anything similar for forums (other than a browser plugin that saves your webforms)?

Thank you!

  • Conversely how can we disable auto-save? currently autosave happens on both forum posts and private messages. The issue with private messages is that whatever text has been written will be saved and so if a member switches conversations and replies to more than one person the text will appear in the message box of whichever conversation they open. This has the potential for members to accidentally send messages intended for one recipient to another recipient and therefore has implications for GDPR 

  • Conversely how can we disable auto-save? currently autosave happens on both forum posts and private messages. The issue with private messages is that whatever text has been written will be saved and so if a member switches conversations and replies to more than one person the text will appear in the message box of whichever conversation they open. This has the potential for members to accidentally send messages intended for one recipient to another recipient and therefore has implications for GDPR 
