Don't see search results for custom ISearchableContentType


I trying to implement SearchableContentType from documentation

but search does not work for me. Search by keywords like 'google', 'best', etc in the search box on the tom of community does not return anything from "Links".

I added a log for method 

public IList<SearchIndexDocument> GetContentToIndex()

and don't see any calls for it in events.
Also tried to call it mannually - but search still does not work.

All extensions enabled and custom widget showing data.

Maybe I miss something?

    public class LinkItemContentType : ISearchableContentType, IPlugin {
        IContentStateChanges _contentState = null;
        private static readonly SimpleLog Log = new SimpleLog(typeof(LinkItemContentType).Name);

        #region IPlugin Members

        public string Description {
            get { return "Items in a Links collection"; }

        public void Initialize() {
            // Apis.Get<SearchIndexing>().Delete(new SearchIndexDeleteOptions() {Category = "linkitem"});
            // GetContentToIndex();

        public string Name {
            get { return "Link Items"; }


        #region IContentType Members

        public Guid[] ApplicationTypes {
            get { return new[] {ContentTypes.LinksApplicationId}; }

        public void AttachChangeEvents(IContentStateChanges stateChanges) {
            _contentState = stateChanges;

        public Guid ContentTypeId {
            get { return ContentTypes.LinksItemId; }

        public string ContentTypeName {
            get { return "Links Item"; }

        public IContent Get(Guid contentId) {
            return LinksData.GetLink(contentId);


        #region ISearchableContentType

        public void SetIndexStatus(Guid[] contentIds, bool isIndexed) {
            Log.Info("SetIndexStatus " + isIndexed);
            LinksData.UpdateStatus(contentIds, isIndexed);

        public IList<SearchIndexDocument> GetContentToIndex() {
            var docs = new List<SearchIndexDocument>();
            var links = LinksData.ListLinks().Where(link => !link.IsIndexed);

            foreach (var link in links) {
                Log.Info("" + link.Name);
                if (link == null) {

                var doc = Apis.Get<ISearchIndexing>().NewDocument(link.ContentId, link.ContentTypeId, "linkitem", link.Url, link.HtmlName("web"),
                doc.AddField("date", Apis.Get<ISearchIndexing>().FormatDate(link.CreatedDate));
                doc.AddField(Apis.Get<SearchIndexing>().Constants.Category, "linkitem");
                doc.AddField(Apis.Get<SearchIndexing>().Constants.IsContent, true.ToString());
                doc.AddField(Apis.Get<SearchIndexing>().Constants.CollapseField, "links:" + link.ContentId.ToString());

            return docs;

        public int[] GetViewSecurityRoles(Guid contentId) {
            var content = LinksData.GetLink(contentId);
            if (content == null) {
                return new int[] { };

            if (content.Application == null) {
                return new int[] { };

            return Apis.Get<IRoles>().Find("Registered Users").Select(r => r.Id.GetValueOrDefault()).ToArray();

        public string GetViewHtml(IContent content, Target target) {
            if (content == null) {
                return null;

            var user = Apis.Get<IUsers>().Get(new UsersGetOptions {Id = content.CreatedByUserId});

            var author = String.Format(@"<a href=""{0}"" class=""internal-link view-user-profile""><span></span>{1}</a>",
                Apis.Get<Html>().EncodeAttribute(user.ProfileUrl), Apis.Get<Html>().Encode(user.DisplayName));

            var appLink = content.Application != null
                ? String.Format(@"<a href=""{0}"">{1}</a>", Apis.Get<Html>().EncodeAttribute(content.Application.Url),
                : String.Empty;

            var groupLink = content.Application != null && content.Application.Container != null
                ? String.Format(@"<a href=""{0}"">{1}</a>", Apis.Get<Html>().EncodeAttribute(content.Application.Container.Url),
                : String.Empty;

            return String.Format(@"
<div class=""abbreviated-post-header""></div>
<div class=""abbreviated-post ui-searchresult"">
    <div class=""post-metadata"">
        <ul class=""property-list"">
            <li class=""property-item date"">{0}</li>
                <li class=""property-item author"">
                    <span class=""user-name"">{1}</span>
                <ul class=""details"">
                    <li class=""property-item type""></li>
    <h4 class=""post-name"">
        <a class=""internal-link view-post"" title=""{3}"" href=""{4}"">
    <div class=""post-summary"">{5}</div>
    <div class=""post-application"">
<div class=""abbreviated-post-footer""></div>", Apis.Get<ILanguage>().FormatDate(content.CreatedDate), author, content.HtmlName("web"),
                content.HtmlName("web"), Apis.Get<Html>().EncodeAttribute(content.Url), content.HtmlDescription("web"), appLink, groupLink);

        public bool IsCacheable {
            get { return false; }

        public bool VaryCacheByUser {
            get { return false; }

