Any Widget examples that use TypeScript and Nodejs?

Any Application or widget examples that use TypeScript and Nodejs?

I have a project coming up, that depends on an API, that will be used as an integrated application with Community.

To customize widgets, requires the use of typescript, which is compiled into javascript, and that is then loaded into the final product.  The only way I can see how to do this is to build out the application separately, then insert the finish components into the application. the problem is many of the components need to use Community API's.  

I can't really see how this is going to work yet.

Parents Reply
  • a third diagram is needed that shows after the development is done... The Node JS listener is going to be a little difficult since, I've not thought that thru, but it seems feasible. I will update this post if I can form an image of what happens in the Widget API or somewhere else that replaces the webhooks, maybe sockets, which I've used.
    Right.. we don't want to use WebHooks on premise?
    Here are the steps based on the diagram above:

    1. Create Node JS Web Application running locally
    2. Build WebHooks in Visual Studio as a plugin, deploy to Community Web Server
    3. Establish Node JS listener for webhook changes
    4. Create Application using REST API for client application
    5. When done, deploy the components, as a javascript api
    6. Create the Telligent Custom Plugin as an Application, following the content model
    7. Add Widgets as part of the Plugin
    8. Use the Widget Studio, to modify Widget before "baking it" as part of the Plugin
    9. Finalize it.

    I should add in the unit test for each part to make sure they work, before going to the next steps, otherwise I'm going to need to repeat this process a lot.

  • Regarding webhooks, you could also implement custom outgoing hooks via Automation Studio--this would both allow you to leverage scripting for development and you could customize your hook messages for your application for efficiency.

    The node app could then either use the REST API or communicate back to the automation (automations can send and receive HTTP requests and handle platform events).