REST API for setting up Email Digests?

Is there a REST API for creating/updating Email Digests in the user Settings?  I didn't see one and wanted to confirm that.


Or, if there is no REST API, what about in the Widget API or In-Process API?


  • For anyone else stumbling on this thread, here is some widget API JS code that will create a new group subscription and return the subscription info as JSON.  This code returns JSON instead of HTML and would be called using the /api.ashx/v2/scripted REST endpoint.


    /* normally these would be passed in, but for demo purposes they are hard-coded */
    var context = "group";
    var contextId = 6; // the group ID
    var frequency = 7; // # of days - 0, 1, 7
    var sub = core_v2_emailDigest.Create(context, contextId, frequency);
    /* if we needed to update an existing sub, we would do this */
    // var existingSub = core_v2_emailDigest.GetByGroup(contextId);
    // var sub = core_v2_emailDigest.Update(existingSub.Id, frequency);
    /* return all of the sub properties as a JSON string*/
    return JSON.stringify({
        id: sub.Id,
        userId: sub.UserId,
        context: sub.Context,
        contextId: sub.ContextId,
        dateCreated: sub.DateCreated,
        frequencyInDays: sub.FrequencyInDays,
        nextSendDate: sub.NextSendDate

  • For anyone else stumbling on this thread, here is some widget API JS code that will create a new group subscription and return the subscription info as JSON.  This code returns JSON instead of HTML and would be called using the /api.ashx/v2/scripted REST endpoint.


    /* normally these would be passed in, but for demo purposes they are hard-coded */
    var context = "group";
    var contextId = 6; // the group ID
    var frequency = 7; // # of days - 0, 1, 7
    var sub = core_v2_emailDigest.Create(context, contextId, frequency);
    /* if we needed to update an existing sub, we would do this */
    // var existingSub = core_v2_emailDigest.GetByGroup(contextId);
    // var sub = core_v2_emailDigest.Update(existingSub.Id, frequency);
    /* return all of the sub properties as a JSON string*/
    return JSON.stringify({
        id: sub.Id,
        userId: sub.UserId,
        context: sub.Context,
        contextId: sub.ContextId,
        dateCreated: sub.DateCreated,
        frequencyInDays: sub.FrequencyInDays,
        nextSendDate: sub.NextSendDate

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