Exception in Knowledge Management Synchronization Job

Getting Below Exception

UnknownException: Exception occured while running background job (Knowledge Management Synchronization Job (Id=c195f031-e571-4613-8ba3-1942b0163b1d, JobId=e628606e-6515-4e94-b6d5-b216c9bbcc2c, Platform=evolution)  ExecutionTimeUtc: 8/27/2019 6:47:24 AMData:

System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: value
at Telligent.Evolution.KnowledgeManagement.Plugins.KnowledgeManagementSynchronizationJob.<>c__DisplayClass24_0.<Execute>b__0()
at Telligent.Evolution.Components.DistributedLockService.Lock(String lockKey, Action action)
at Telligent.Evolution.KnowledgeManagement.Plugins.KnowledgeManagementSynchronizationJob.Execute(JobData jobData)
at Telligent.Evolution.Components.Jobs.DynamicEvolutionJobRunner.SubExecute(JobExecutionContext context)
at Telligent.Evolution.Components.Jobs.BaseJobRunner.Execute(JobExecutionContext job)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Telligent.Evolution.Components.Jobs.BaseJobRunner.Execute(JobExecutionContext job)

  • I found that there were some Knowledge Articles which were expired and some of the fields were also missing like published date. Based on Article ID found in logs, i removed such articles from system and tried to re-sync again. After that synchronization was successful and able to pull all knowledge articles in my community. I had also raised support ticket for this and they suggested to check for articles.

    Thank you to all for kind help and support.

  • I found that there were some Knowledge Articles which were expired and some of the fields were also missing like published date. Based on Article ID found in logs, i removed such articles from system and tried to re-sync again. After that synchronization was successful and able to pull all knowledge articles in my community. I had also raised support ticket for this and they suggested to check for articles.

    Thank you to all for kind help and support.

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