Not getting proper result by Search API

Hi everyone.

$searchQuery.Add("Query", "Testing alerts on staging for forum post")
$searchQuery.Add("FieldFacets", "category,count,12,0,0!0||user,count,12,0,1||group,count,12,0,1!1")
$searchQuery.Add("FieldFilters", $fieldfilters)
$searchQuery.Add("Collapse", true)
$searchQuery.Add("PageSize", $pageSize)
$searchQuery.Add("PageIndex", $ajaxCurrentIndex)
$searchQuery.Add("Tags", "ABC")
$searchQuery.Add("LogicallyOrTags", true)
#set ($results = $core_v2_searchResult.List($searchQuery))

NOTE: please ignore variables.

If i am running above code to search forum by text  "Testing alerts on staging for forum post" (this text is only contain by forum reply ). i am not getting data because reply does not contain ABC tag but forum thread contain ABC tag.

SO my question is, it is necessary that reply should also contain the same tag passed into search query.

Parents Reply
  • The format is right. Can you look for results in pieces? After each step, confirm if you have results.

    1. tag:abc
    2. tag:bca
    3. tag:abc || tag:bca
    4. (tag:abc || tag:bca) testing
    5. ... continue with other terms

    With the stop words the query you are using, which are now indexed by default in 11 by the way, it could be the mimimum match settings are causing the results to drop out. Not sure that is the case but we can review that after the above steps.
