Image too large to upload to blog even with updated settings

We've set the Disk space quota per blog to 60,000KB but when uploading a 2MB image users keep getting an error that it's exceeding the file size. Only way to get around it is to set permissions to bypass validation which i don't want to use. We're on version

  • Sounds like you are running into a known issue where an underlying, normally unused legacy setting is being loaded after a regularly scheduled configuration refresh. This causes the setting you see in the configuration panel to be ineffective after that timeout period. This will be resolved in the next service release but in the meantime there is a workaround that involves updating the configuration value directly in the database. Contact support and then can help you get that value updated.

  • Sounds like you are running into a known issue where an underlying, normally unused legacy setting is being loaded after a regularly scheduled configuration refresh. This causes the setting you see in the configuration panel to be ineffective after that timeout period. This will be resolved in the next service release but in the meantime there is a workaround that involves updating the configuration value directly in the database. Contact support and then can help you get that value updated.
