IApplicationNavigable route within a forum context - can't access current forum

I have a route for a page that needs to live under individual forums.  The route loads, but the system doesn't recognize I'm in a forum context when I hit the page.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility;
using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Api.Version1;
using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Urls.Version1;

namespace Extensions.Taxonomy.Plugins
    public class ForumTaxonomyNavigable : IApplicationNavigable
        public Guid ApplicationTypeId
            get { return Apis.Get<IForums>().ApplicationTypeId; }

        public void RegisterUrls(IUrlController controller)

            controller.AddPage("forum_taxonomy", "{ForumId}/taxonomy", null, null, "forum-taxonomy", new PageDefinitionOptions() {   Validate = ValidateAccess });

        public string Description
            get { return "Provides the url where the taxonomies are edited for each forum"; }

        public void Initialize()


        public string Name
            get { return "Forum Taxonomy Route"; }

        private void ValidateAccess(PageContext context, IUrlAccessController controller)
            if(!Apis.Get<IRoleUsers>().IsUserInRoles(Apis.Get<IUsers>().AccessingUser.Username, new string[] {"Administrators"}))
                controller.AccessDenied("Access Denied", false);

Parents Reply
  • I had an old ParseForumContext method in our 8.5 version, but now that the ID numbers are replaced with slugs...the parsing of the context isn't working.

            private void ParseForumContext(PageContext context)
                var forumToken = context.GetTokenValue("ForumId");
                if (forumToken != null)
                    int forumId = 0;
                    if (Int32.TryParse(forumToken.ToString(), out forumId))
                        var forum = Apis.Get<IForums>().Get(forumId);
                        if (forum != null)
                            ContextItem contextItem = new ContextItem()
                                TypeName = "Forum",
                                Id = forum.Id.ToString(),
                                ApplicationId = forum.ApplicationId,
                                ApplicationTypeId = Apis.Get<IForums>().ApplicationTypeId,
                                ContainerId = forum.Container.ContainerId,
                                ContainerTypeId = forum.Container.ContainerTypeId,
                                ContentTypeId = Apis.Get<IForums>().ContentTypeId,
                                ContentId = forum.ContentId
