Custom Widget API's will generate documentation, but what about the private widget api?

Working with a private widget api, and was expecting to see some api documentation generated for it. Private Widget Api link

Should there be? 

  • Good question.

    "Private" APIs exposed to widgets in IScriptablePlugins are indeed auto-documented within Widget Studio's documentation panel and autocomplete suggestions when viewed from within the associated plugin's widgets, the same as the platform's public APIs, and they'll even be identified with a "private" tag.

    The only "gotcha" is to ensure that the custom api object exposed via IContextualScriptedContentFragmentExtension.GetExtension(NameValueCollection) should be able to return an object instance even with a null or empty NameValueCollection passed to GetExtension(). The resulting object, even if unusable in that state, is reflected upon to know the documentable private API details.

  • Good question.

    "Private" APIs exposed to widgets in IScriptablePlugins are indeed auto-documented within Widget Studio's documentation panel and autocomplete suggestions when viewed from within the associated plugin's widgets, the same as the platform's public APIs, and they'll even be identified with a "private" tag.

    The only "gotcha" is to ensure that the custom api object exposed via IContextualScriptedContentFragmentExtension.GetExtension(NameValueCollection) should be able to return an object instance even with a null or empty NameValueCollection passed to GetExtension(). The resulting object, even if unusable in that state, is reflected upon to know the documentable private API details.

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