Where can I change the background for the "navigation-list site-links" classes? (Customize the popup navigation menu)

 The default background for the hamburger menu is white. We'd like to change that to #cccccc or something similar.

Where can I update the existing CSS to change that?

  • I've overwritten it before using CSS but I think you're trying to change the styling already there which I believe would mean changing the format-popup-ist.less file.

  • I would recommend overriding. Makes it easier to upgrade in the future

  • I looked at all the code in that .less file that  provided and can't figure out what I should change!

    @color-background seems to be the variable that's being used. how do I target all the @color-background parts of the .popup-list .

    Here's the full code of that format-popup-list.less file. What should I put into a custom override CSS file, and where should I put the override CSS file so that the system looks at my override file instead of the default system CSS?

    /* read list */
    .popup-list.notification {
    	border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px;
    	overflow: hidden;
    	.message {
    		background-color: @color-foreground;
    		opacity: .85;
    		color: @color-background;
    		margin: 0;
    		font-family: @font-family;
    		font-weight: @font-weight;
    		font-size: @font-size;
    		padding: (@spacing * 2) (@spacing * 3) (@spacing * 2) (@spacing * 3);
    		.transition(background-color .3s);
    		&.error {
    			background-color: @color-attention;
    			opacity: .95;
    .popup-list-content-item, .popup-list-content-item-header {
    	padding: (@spacing / 2) @spacing (@spacing / 2) 7px;
    	border-top: 0px;
    	border-bottom: 1px solid lighten(@color-chrome, 15%);
    	cursor: pointer;
    	position: relative;
    	overflow: hidden;
    	&:last-child {
    		border-bottom: 0px;
    .popup-list-content-item-header {
    	background-color: lighten(@color-chrome, 15%);
    	.name {
    		font-weight: 600;
    .popup-list-content-item {
    	padding-bottom: @spacing;
    	padding-left: 50px;
    	min-height: 51px;
    	&.no-author {
    		padding-left: 7px;
    	&:hover, &.selected {
    		background-color: @color-accent;
    		color: fade(@color-background, 90%);
    		.post-like {
    			color: fade(@color-background, 50%);
    		a {
    			color: @color-background !important;
    	.user-name {
    		display: none;
    	.avatar {
    		position: absolute;
    		top: 5px;
    		left: 5px;
    		overflow: hidden;
    		img {
    	.post-like {
    		padding: 0px;
    		margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;
    		float: left;
    		line-height: 1.3em;
    		font-size: @font-size * .8;
    		color: @color-chrome;
    .popup-list {
    	font-family: @font-family;
    	font-weight: @font-weight;
    	font-size: @font-size * 0.9;
    	border: 0px;
    	background-color: transparent;
    	-ms-touch-action: none;
    	touch-action: none;
    	background-color: @color-background;
    	border-radius: 3px;
    	&[data-position="downright"] {
    		border-top-left-radius: 0;
    	&[data-position="upright"] {
    		border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
    	&[data-position="downleft"] {
    		border-top-right-radius: 0;
    	&[data-position="upleft"] {
    		border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
    	.multiple-column-list {
    	.content-list {
    		width: 280px;
    		overflow: auto;
    		-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
    	.navigation-list.filter {
    		border-bottom: 1px solid lighten(@color-chrome, 15%);
    		overflow: hidden;
    		padding: 3px 6px;
    		.navigation-item {
    			display: inline;
    			.internal-link {
    				min-width: 40px;
    				text-align: center;
    				font-size: .9em;
    				border-radius: 50px;
    				float: left;
    				margin: 4px 2px;
    				padding: 2px 7px;
    				text-decoration: none;
    				border: 1px solid @color-accent;
    				&:hover {
    					background-color: lighten(@color-accent, 5%);
    					border: 1px solid lighten(@color-accent, 5%);
    					color: @color-background;
    				&.selected {
    					background-color: @color-accent;
    					color: @color-background;
    	&.bookmarks, &.notifications, &.conversations, &.user, &.site {
    		.content-list {
    			.content-item {
    				.post-authors {
    					font-weight: 600;
    			.content-item-header {
    		.content-list .content-item .content-group a {
    			padding: 0px;
    			margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;
    			float: left;
    			line-height: 1.3em;
    			font-size: .9em;
    		.user {
    			min-height: 60px;
    			border-bottom: 1px solid lighten(@color-chrome, 15%);
    			position: relative;
    			display: flex;
    			flex-direction: row;
    			justify-content: flex-start;
    			align-items: center;
    			padding: @spacing;
    			> div {
    				display: flex;
    				flex-direction: row;
    				align-items: center;
    			.avatar {
    				img {
    				margin-right: @spacing;
    			.user-name {
    				font-size: @font-size * 1.1;
    			.oauth-provider {
    				position: absolute;
    				top: 0;
    				left: 0;
    			&.navigation-list {
    				display: block;
    			&.with-cover-photo {
    				align-items: flex-end;
    				height: 120px;
    				border-bottom: 0px;
    				background-size: 100% 100%;
    				background-repeat: no-repeat;
    				background-position: center;
    				.avatar {
    					border: 2px solid @color-background;;
    				.user-name a {
    					color: @color-background;
    					text-shadow: 0px 0px 7px rgba(0,0,0,1);
    		.navigation-list.user {
    			padding: @spacing;
    		/* read list notification preference */
    		.notification-preference {
    			background-color: @color-background;
    			color: @color-foreground;
    			&:hover {
    				color: @color-foreground;
    			.description {
    				float: left !important;
    				width: 60% !important;
    				padding: 6px 8px 8px 8px !important;
    				color: @color-foreground !important;
    			.button {
    				background-color: @color-accent;
    				color: @color-background;
    				border-radius: 3px 3px 3px 3px;
    				display: block;
    				float: right;
    				margin: 4px 4px 0;
    				padding: 3px;
    				text-align: center;
    				text-decoration: none;
    				width: 60px;
    				font-size: .8em;
    				&:hover {
    					background-color: lighten(@color-accent, 5%);
    				&.cancel {
    					background-color: @color-chrome;
    					&:hover {
    						background-color: lighten(@color-chrome, 5%);
    		.preference {
    			position: absolute;
    			top: 3px;
    			right: 5px;
    			display: none;
    			a {
    		.content-item .mark {
    			top: 23px;
    			a {
    		.content-item-header:hover .mark {
    			display: block;
    			top: 5px;
    			a {
    		.content-item:hover {
    			.preference {
    				display: block;
    	.loading {
    		min-height: 20px;
    		padding: @spacing;
    		text-align: center;
    		font-style: italic;
    		background-color: contrast(@color-foreground, darken(@color-foreground, 87%), lighten(@color-foreground, 87%));
    		color: lighten(@color-foreground, 30%);
    		border: 0px;
    		width: 280px;
    	&.composer-suggestion-selector {
    		.loading {
    			width: 100%;
    			position: static;
    			background-color: transparent;
    	.content-list-footer {
    		min-height: 20px;
    		border-top: 1px solid lighten(@color-chrome, 15%);
    		padding: @spacing;
    		overflow: hidden;
    		.right {
    			float: right;
    		.left {
    			float: left;
    	.message.norecords {
    		border: 0px;
    		padding: @spacing;
    		margin: 0px;
    		font-size: @font-size * .9;
    	&.search {
    		padding-top: 0px;
    		.loading {
    			width: 100%;
    		.multiple-column-list {
    			position: relative;
    			top: 0px;
    			.content-list.content {
    				.content-item {
    					padding: 0;
    					margin: 0;
    					.content.abbreviated {
    						margin: 0;
    						font-size: @font-size * .9;
    						padding: @spacing;
    						cursor: pointer;
    						> .avatar {
    							img {
    								width: 44px !important;
    								height: 44px !important;
    						> .summary {
    							.name {
    								font-size: @font-size * 1.5;
    								margin-bottom: @spacing * (2 / 3);
    							.author {
    								a {
    									color: contrast(@color-foreground, darken(@color-foreground, 50%), lighten(@color-foreground, 50%));
    								margin-bottom: @spacing * (2 / 3);
    							.content {
    								font-size: @font-size * .9;
    						> .attributes {
    							font-size: @font-size * .9;
    							a {
    								color: @color-foreground;
    					&:hover, &.selected {
    						background-color: @color-accent;
    						color: @color-background;
    						a {
    							color: @color-background;
    						.content.abbreviated {
    							> .summary {
    								.author {
    									a {
    										color: @color-background;
    							> .attributes {
    								color: @color-background;
    								a {
    									color: @color-background;
    	&.without-avatar {
    		.content-list {
    			.content-item {
    				padding: @spacing;
    				min-height: 0px;

  • I looked at all the code in that .less file that  provided and can't figure out what I should change!

    @color-background seems to be the variable that's being used. how do I target all the @color-background parts of the .popup-list .

    Here's the full code of that format-popup-list.less file. What should I put into a custom override CSS file, and where should I put the override CSS file so that the system looks at my override file instead of the default system CSS?

    /* read list */
    .popup-list.notification {
    	border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px;
    	overflow: hidden;
    	.message {
    		background-color: @color-foreground;
    		opacity: .85;
    		color: @color-background;
    		margin: 0;
    		font-family: @font-family;
    		font-weight: @font-weight;
    		font-size: @font-size;
    		padding: (@spacing * 2) (@spacing * 3) (@spacing * 2) (@spacing * 3);
    		.transition(background-color .3s);
    		&.error {
    			background-color: @color-attention;
    			opacity: .95;
    .popup-list-content-item, .popup-list-content-item-header {
    	padding: (@spacing / 2) @spacing (@spacing / 2) 7px;
    	border-top: 0px;
    	border-bottom: 1px solid lighten(@color-chrome, 15%);
    	cursor: pointer;
    	position: relative;
    	overflow: hidden;
    	&:last-child {
    		border-bottom: 0px;
    .popup-list-content-item-header {
    	background-color: lighten(@color-chrome, 15%);
    	.name {
    		font-weight: 600;
    .popup-list-content-item {
    	padding-bottom: @spacing;
    	padding-left: 50px;
    	min-height: 51px;
    	&.no-author {
    		padding-left: 7px;
    	&:hover, &.selected {
    		background-color: @color-accent;
    		color: fade(@color-background, 90%);
    		.post-like {
    			color: fade(@color-background, 50%);
    		a {
    			color: @color-background !important;
    	.user-name {
    		display: none;
    	.avatar {
    		position: absolute;
    		top: 5px;
    		left: 5px;
    		overflow: hidden;
    		img {
    	.post-like {
    		padding: 0px;
    		margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;
    		float: left;
    		line-height: 1.3em;
    		font-size: @font-size * .8;
    		color: @color-chrome;
    .popup-list {
    	font-family: @font-family;
    	font-weight: @font-weight;
    	font-size: @font-size * 0.9;
    	border: 0px;
    	background-color: transparent;
    	-ms-touch-action: none;
    	touch-action: none;
    	background-color: @color-background;
    	border-radius: 3px;
    	&[data-position="downright"] {
    		border-top-left-radius: 0;
    	&[data-position="upright"] {
    		border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
    	&[data-position="downleft"] {
    		border-top-right-radius: 0;
    	&[data-position="upleft"] {
    		border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
    	.multiple-column-list {
    	.content-list {
    		width: 280px;
    		overflow: auto;
    		-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
    	.navigation-list.filter {
    		border-bottom: 1px solid lighten(@color-chrome, 15%);
    		overflow: hidden;
    		padding: 3px 6px;
    		.navigation-item {
    			display: inline;
    			.internal-link {
    				min-width: 40px;
    				text-align: center;
    				font-size: .9em;
    				border-radius: 50px;
    				float: left;
    				margin: 4px 2px;
    				padding: 2px 7px;
    				text-decoration: none;
    				border: 1px solid @color-accent;
    				&:hover {
    					background-color: lighten(@color-accent, 5%);
    					border: 1px solid lighten(@color-accent, 5%);
    					color: @color-background;
    				&.selected {
    					background-color: @color-accent;
    					color: @color-background;
    	&.bookmarks, &.notifications, &.conversations, &.user, &.site {
    		.content-list {
    			.content-item {
    				.post-authors {
    					font-weight: 600;
    			.content-item-header {
    		.content-list .content-item .content-group a {
    			padding: 0px;
    			margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;
    			float: left;
    			line-height: 1.3em;
    			font-size: .9em;
    		.user {
    			min-height: 60px;
    			border-bottom: 1px solid lighten(@color-chrome, 15%);
    			position: relative;
    			display: flex;
    			flex-direction: row;
    			justify-content: flex-start;
    			align-items: center;
    			padding: @spacing;
    			> div {
    				display: flex;
    				flex-direction: row;
    				align-items: center;
    			.avatar {
    				img {
    				margin-right: @spacing;
    			.user-name {
    				font-size: @font-size * 1.1;
    			.oauth-provider {
    				position: absolute;
    				top: 0;
    				left: 0;
    			&.navigation-list {
    				display: block;
    			&.with-cover-photo {
    				align-items: flex-end;
    				height: 120px;
    				border-bottom: 0px;
    				background-size: 100% 100%;
    				background-repeat: no-repeat;
    				background-position: center;
    				.avatar {
    					border: 2px solid @color-background;;
    				.user-name a {
    					color: @color-background;
    					text-shadow: 0px 0px 7px rgba(0,0,0,1);
    		.navigation-list.user {
    			padding: @spacing;
    		/* read list notification preference */
    		.notification-preference {
    			background-color: @color-background;
    			color: @color-foreground;
    			&:hover {
    				color: @color-foreground;
    			.description {
    				float: left !important;
    				width: 60% !important;
    				padding: 6px 8px 8px 8px !important;
    				color: @color-foreground !important;
    			.button {
    				background-color: @color-accent;
    				color: @color-background;
    				border-radius: 3px 3px 3px 3px;
    				display: block;
    				float: right;
    				margin: 4px 4px 0;
    				padding: 3px;
    				text-align: center;
    				text-decoration: none;
    				width: 60px;
    				font-size: .8em;
    				&:hover {
    					background-color: lighten(@color-accent, 5%);
    				&.cancel {
    					background-color: @color-chrome;
    					&:hover {
    						background-color: lighten(@color-chrome, 5%);
    		.preference {
    			position: absolute;
    			top: 3px;
    			right: 5px;
    			display: none;
    			a {
    		.content-item .mark {
    			top: 23px;
    			a {
    		.content-item-header:hover .mark {
    			display: block;
    			top: 5px;
    			a {
    		.content-item:hover {
    			.preference {
    				display: block;
    	.loading {
    		min-height: 20px;
    		padding: @spacing;
    		text-align: center;
    		font-style: italic;
    		background-color: contrast(@color-foreground, darken(@color-foreground, 87%), lighten(@color-foreground, 87%));
    		color: lighten(@color-foreground, 30%);
    		border: 0px;
    		width: 280px;
    	&.composer-suggestion-selector {
    		.loading {
    			width: 100%;
    			position: static;
    			background-color: transparent;
    	.content-list-footer {
    		min-height: 20px;
    		border-top: 1px solid lighten(@color-chrome, 15%);
    		padding: @spacing;
    		overflow: hidden;
    		.right {
    			float: right;
    		.left {
    			float: left;
    	.message.norecords {
    		border: 0px;
    		padding: @spacing;
    		margin: 0px;
    		font-size: @font-size * .9;
    	&.search {
    		padding-top: 0px;
    		.loading {
    			width: 100%;
    		.multiple-column-list {
    			position: relative;
    			top: 0px;
    			.content-list.content {
    				.content-item {
    					padding: 0;
    					margin: 0;
    					.content.abbreviated {
    						margin: 0;
    						font-size: @font-size * .9;
    						padding: @spacing;
    						cursor: pointer;
    						> .avatar {
    							img {
    								width: 44px !important;
    								height: 44px !important;
    						> .summary {
    							.name {
    								font-size: @font-size * 1.5;
    								margin-bottom: @spacing * (2 / 3);
    							.author {
    								a {
    									color: contrast(@color-foreground, darken(@color-foreground, 50%), lighten(@color-foreground, 50%));
    								margin-bottom: @spacing * (2 / 3);
    							.content {
    								font-size: @font-size * .9;
    						> .attributes {
    							font-size: @font-size * .9;
    							a {
    								color: @color-foreground;
    					&:hover, &.selected {
    						background-color: @color-accent;
    						color: @color-background;
    						a {
    							color: @color-background;
    						.content.abbreviated {
    							> .summary {
    								.author {
    									a {
    										color: @color-background;
    							> .attributes {
    								color: @color-background;
    								a {
    									color: @color-background;
    	&.without-avatar {
    		.content-list {
    			.content-item {
    				padding: @spacing;
    				min-height: 0px;
