List all groups and their current theme - 8.5

In version 8.5, is there a way to get a list of all the groups and what theme they are currently configured to use? I know we still have a few groups that are on the Enterprise theme and would like to make sure we convert them all to Social. I suspect it can't be done in the admin UI. How about a DB query?

  • We store the selected theme for a group as an Extended Attribute which makes this query a little more fun to figure out.  The following should work to list any groups that have had their theme set explicitly.  Any group not listed here will be using the default group theme.

    WITH Groups AS (SELECT GroupId, g.Name,
    	dbo.FetchExtendendAttributeValue('theme', PropertyNames, PropertyValues) as ThemeId
    	FROM dbo.cs_Groups g)
    SELECT g.*, t.Name AS 'Theme Name' 
    FROM Groups g
    JOIN dbo.te_Themes t ON LOWER(g.ThemeId) = LOWER(REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(36), t.ThemeId), '-', ''))
    WHERE t.ThemeTypeId = 'C6108064-AF65-11DD-B074-DE1A56D89593'

  • We store the selected theme for a group as an Extended Attribute which makes this query a little more fun to figure out.  The following should work to list any groups that have had their theme set explicitly.  Any group not listed here will be using the default group theme.

    WITH Groups AS (SELECT GroupId, g.Name,
    	dbo.FetchExtendendAttributeValue('theme', PropertyNames, PropertyValues) as ThemeId
    	FROM dbo.cs_Groups g)
    SELECT g.*, t.Name AS 'Theme Name' 
    FROM Groups g
    JOIN dbo.te_Themes t ON LOWER(g.ThemeId) = LOWER(REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(36), t.ThemeId), '-', ''))
    WHERE t.ThemeTypeId = 'C6108064-AF65-11DD-B074-DE1A56D89593'
