Evolution Config Change\Edit


I'm in need of a point in the right direction.

I've found a bug in the Telligent version we are currently using and found what needs to be done to fix it. Unfortunately I'm having difficult in finding where I need to implemented the fix.

The issue is the 'time ago' label on comments etc is wrong. For anything posted '1 day ago', the label says '1 days ago'.

In the initial page document that gets downloaded, there is a section at the top of the html header with jQuery.telligent.evolution.site.configure. I need to change one of the keys in the object being passed.

Where in Telligent do I go to edit this?

Telligent version

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  • The resources.xml file is located under the web/jobs directories under Languages/en-US. If you are using a different language other than en-US just make sure you review the folder with the correct language identifier.

    From a review of my local system, this entry appears to be located at line #366 of the Resources.xml file. Make sure this change exists in both the web and job folders.

    Once you have made these changes, you will need to restart both the website and job servers to have the files reloaded.