How to purge non existent and inactive users

 Hello all,

Here is the thing. Over time a user may leave a company or worse, was uploaded but never came. Yeah, I know. Bad practice. The result is that you have users in the system that

  1. Never been active 
  2. Have been active in the past, but from your mailserver you know this email bounces, so this user will never respond again.

How have you dealt with purging your user base?

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  • Have the same issue. Like that my "membership count" is high. But I really just like to get all the members who have never been active, never posted anything, and not logged in for 5 years to be disabled and then removed. If they along with the many disabled/banned spam accounts could be removed in an easy fashion, then I think it would cut my number of members in half (my current site contains all members since 1999 - they where migrated into Community Server in 2006).
    I'm still new to the API's, but isn't there an API to do this?
  • You could create a scheduled task plugin to run say every night, or even once a week that would get all users and based on your criteria, delete them. I'll create an example in my next blog post. I'll update here with a link once I've done it.
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