Why are the results different on Permission Check for my Custom Application?

the permission check is not what I expected.. so for an owner, both of these checks are true. but for say Manager, given the Can Create Map App permission is changed from the default, check1 returns false, check2 returns true.
Should the results both be true?

 public boolCanCreate(int userId, Guid containerTypeId, Guid containerId){
              PermissionCheck check1 = TEApi.Permissions.Get(UI.Permissions.MapAppPermissionRegistrar.CreateGroupMapApps, userId );
              PermissionCheck check2 = TEApi.Permissions.Get(UI.Permissions.MapAppPermissionRegistrar.CreateGroupMapApps, userId,containerId,containerTypeId, _entityPermissionType );
            return check1.IsAllowed || check2.IsAllowed;  

a related post is here

heads up to     

Parents Reply Children
  • So I think we need to really back up.   Get should be explicit  as in 

    IContent ISecuredContentType.Get(Guid contentId) {}

    If you just do Visual Studios Implement  it will not add it because IContentType already defines it but this needs its own implementation.

    But  I am not sure you have actually fully implemented the content model correctly yet, and if you try to do any of this before that it won't work.

    In addition to IContentType  and IApplicationType plugins   you also need classes  that implement IContent  and IApplication, usually your business classes.   This is what "Get"  is getting.

  • the content model is implemented for the application and the content.. the container is always the group,.. 

    public class MapAppType : IPlugin, IConfigurablePlugin, IApplicationType, IManageableApplicationType, IApplicationNavigable, INavigableApplicationType, ICategorizedPlugin, IWebContextualApplicationType

    public class MapContentType : IPlugin, IContentType, IWebContextualContentType, INavigable, ISecuredContentType 

    Below image shows the management panel with the application

    the map application type

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.Web;
    using Telligent.DynamicConfiguration.Components;
    using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility;
    using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Api.Version1;
    using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Content.Version1;
    using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Urls.Version1;
    using TeUrls = Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Urls;
    using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Version1;
    using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Api.Entities.Version1;
    using TEApis = Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Apis;
    using TEApi = Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Api.Version1.PublicApi;
    using TeUi = Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.UI.Version1;
    using System.Windows.Automation;
    using CommunityMap.InternalApi.Entities;
    using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Security.Version1;
    namespace CommunityMap.Plugins.Applications
        public class MapAppType : IPlugin, IConfigurablePlugin, IApplicationType, IManageableApplicationType, IApplicationNavigable, INavigableApplicationType, ICategorizedPlugin, IWebContextualApplicationType
            IApplicationStateChanges _applicationState = null;
            PermissionType _entityPermissionType = PermissionType.Application;
            public static Guid _applicationTypeId = new Guid("bfdb6103-e8e5-4cbf-8fbf-42dbac4046ef");
            protected internal static Guid _protectedApplicationTypeId = new Guid("bfdb6103-e8e5-4cbf-8fbf-42dbac4046ef");
            #region IPlugin
            public string Name => "Map App";
            public string Description => "Apan Community Map application type";
            public void Initialize() { }
            #region IApplicationType
            public string ApplicationTypeName =>  "Map App";
            public static string _ApplicationTypeName => "Map App";
            public Guid ApplicationTypeId => _applicationTypeId;
            public Guid[] ContainerTypes => new Guid[] { Apis.Get<IGroups>().ContainerTypeId };
            public void AttachChangeEvents(IApplicationStateChanges stateChanges) { _applicationState = stateChanges; }
            public IApplication Get(Guid applicationId) { 
                IApplication mapApp = PublicApi.MapApps.Get(applicationId);
                //TODO: figure out application securable Id 
                PluginManager.Get<UI.Permissions.MapAppPermissionRegistrar>().FirstOrDefault().RegisterApplicationSecurableId(applicationId, mapApp.Container.ContainerId);
                return mapApp;
            #endregion IApplicationType
            #endregion IPlugin
            #region IConfigurablePlugin
            public PropertyGroup[] ConfigurationOptions {
                    PropertyGroup MapApis = new PropertyGroup("MapApi2s", "Map APIs2", 10);//tab 1 ui
                    MapApis.Properties.Add(new Property("arcGisVersion2", "ArcGis Version2", PropertyType.String, 101, "4.0") { DescriptionText = "ArcGIS API Version, example: 4.0 " });
                    return new PropertyGroup[] { MapApis };
            public void Update(IPluginConfiguration configuration)
                //throw new NotImplementedException();
            #endregion IConfigurablePlugin
            #region IManageableApplicationType
            public bool CanCreate(int userId, Guid containerTypeId, Guid containerId){
                Guid gapplicationId = Apis.Get<IGroups>().Get(containerId).ApplicationId;
                //var groupapp = Apis.Get<IGroups>()
                //PermissionCheck check1 = TEApi.Permissions.Get(UI.Permissions.MapAppPermissionRegistrar.DeleteGroupMapApps, userId);
                Guid permissionId = UI.Permissions.MapAppPermissionRegistrar.CreateGroupMapApps;
                Guid applicationId = new Guid();
                PermissionEntry nodeCheck = TEApi.NodePermissions.Get(permissionId.ToString());   
                PermissionEntry nodeCheck1 = TEApi.NodePermissions.Get("groups", gapplicationId, permissionId.ToString());
                PermissionEntry nodeCheck2 = TEApi.NodePermissions.Get("Map App", applicationId, permissionId.ToString());
                PermissionEntry nodeCheck3 = TEApi.NodePermissions.Get("mapapps", applicationId, permissionId.ToString());
                PermissionCheck check1 = TEApi.Permissions.Get(permissionId, userId);
                PermissionCheck check2 = TEApi.Permissions.Get(permissionId, userId, containerId, containerTypeId,  _entityPermissionType);  
                PermissionCheck check3 = TEApi.Permissions.Get(permissionId, userId, applicationId, ApplicationTypeId, _entityPermissionType);
                return nodeCheck1.IsAllowed; // nodeCheck.IsAllowed; //|| check2.IsAllowed ;  
            public bool CanDelete(int userId, Guid applicationId)
                IApplication mapApp = PublicApi.MapApps.Get(applicationId);
                if (mapApp == null) return false;
                Guid containerId = mapApp.Container.ContainerId;
                Guid gapplicationId = Apis.Get<IGroups>().Get(containerId).ApplicationId; 
                Guid permissionId = UI.Permissions.MapAppPermissionRegistrar.DeleteGroupMapApps; 
                PermissionCheck check1 = TEApi.Permissions.Get(permissionId, userId);
                PermissionCheck check2 = TEApi.Permissions.Get(permissionId, userId, applicationId, mapApp.ApplicationTypeId, _entityPermissionType);
                PermissionEntry nodeCheck = TEApi.NodePermissions.Get(permissionId.ToString());
                PermissionEntry nodeCheck1 = TEApi.NodePermissions.Get("groups", gapplicationId, permissionId.ToString());
                PermissionEntry nodeCheck2 = TEApi.NodePermissions.Get("Map App", applicationId, permissionId.ToString());
                PermissionEntry nodeCheck3 = TEApi.NodePermissions.Get("mapapps", applicationId, permissionId.ToString());
                return nodeCheck1.IsAllowed;
            public bool CanEdit(int userId, Guid applicationId)
                IApplication mapApp = PublicApi.MapApps.Get(applicationId);
                if (mapApp == null) return false;
                Guid containerId = mapApp.Container.ContainerId;
                Guid gapplicationId = Apis.Get<IGroups>().Get(containerId).ApplicationId;
                Guid permissionId = UI.Permissions.MapAppPermissionRegistrar.UpdateGroupMapApps;
                PermissionCheck check1 = TEApi.Permissions.Get(permissionId, userId);
                PermissionCheck check2 = TEApi.Permissions.Get(permissionId, userId, applicationId, mapApp.ApplicationTypeId, _entityPermissionType);
                PermissionEntry nodeCheck = TEApi.NodePermissions.Get(permissionId.ToString());
                PermissionEntry nodeCheck1 = TEApi.NodePermissions.Get("groups", gapplicationId, permissionId.ToString());
                PermissionEntry nodeCheck2 = TEApi.NodePermissions.Get("Map App", applicationId, permissionId.ToString());
                PermissionEntry nodeCheck3 = TEApi.NodePermissions.Get("mapapps", applicationId, permissionId.ToString());
                return nodeCheck1.IsAllowed;
            public bool CanSetEnabled(int userId, Guid applicationId)
                IApplication mapApp = PublicApi.MapApps.Get(applicationId);
                if (mapApp == null) return false;
                Guid containerId = mapApp.Container.ContainerId;
                Guid gapplicationId = Apis.Get<IGroups>().Get(containerId).ApplicationId; 
                Guid permissionId = UI.Permissions.MapAppPermissionRegistrar.EnableGroupMapApps;
                PermissionCheck check1 = TEApi.Permissions.Get(permissionId, userId);
                PermissionCheck check2 = TEApi.Permissions.Get(permissionId, userId, applicationId, mapApp.ApplicationTypeId, _entityPermissionType);
                PermissionEntry nodeCheck = TEApi.NodePermissions.Get(permissionId.ToString());
                PermissionEntry nodeCheck1 = TEApi.NodePermissions.Get("groups", gapplicationId, permissionId.ToString());
                PermissionEntry nodeCheck2 = TEApi.NodePermissions.Get("Map App", applicationId, permissionId.ToString());
                PermissionEntry nodeCheck3 = TEApi.NodePermissions.Get("mapapps", applicationId, permissionId.ToString());
                return nodeCheck1.IsAllowed;
            //1) can userId create application? anyone for now
            //2) what containerTypes are supported? just group containers for now
            //3) containerId is the group Guid, or any other application that has a nodeId
            //4) configurationDatabase is the properties set in the panel used to create the application
            public IApplication Create(int userId, Guid containerTypeId, Guid containerId, ConfigurationDataBase createConfigurationData)
                    foreach (Guid _containerTypeId in ContainerTypes)
                        //container types for groups is 
                        if (Apis.Get<IGroups>().ContainerTypeId == _containerTypeId)
                            int groupId = Apis.Get<IGroups>().Get(containerId).Id.Value;
                            InternalApi.Entities.VerintMapApp verintMapApp = new InternalApi.Entities.VerintMapApp();
                            verintMapApp.ApplicationId = Guid.NewGuid();
                            verintMapApp.ApplicationTypeId = MapAppType._applicationTypeId;
                            verintMapApp.AvatarUrl = createConfigurationData.GetStringValue("mapAppAvatarUrl", "/cfs-filesystemfile/__key/system/images/grid.svg");
                            verintMapApp.Name = createConfigurationData.GetStringValue("mapAppName", "Map App");
                            verintMapApp.GroupId = groupId;
                            verintMapApp.IsEnabled = createConfigurationData.GetBoolValue("mapAppIsEnabled", true);
                            verintMapApp.Id = 0; 
                            verintMapApp.Description = createConfigurationData.GetStringValue("mapAppDesc", "The Map App contains Maps");
                            verintMapApp.Url = createConfigurationData.GetStringValue("mapAppUrl", "mapApps");
                            verintMapApp.SafeName = createConfigurationData.GetStringValue("safeNameUrl", verintMapApp.ApplicationId.ToString());
                            //verintMapApp.SafeName = createConfigurationData.GetStringValue("mapAppUrl", "mapApp");
                            verintMapApp = InternalApi.VerintDataService.CreateUpdateMapApp(verintMapApp);
                            //TODO: figure out application secuarable id
                             PluginManager.Get<UI.Permissions.MapAppPermissionRegistrar>().FirstOrDefault().RegisterApplicationSecurableId(verintMapApp.ApplicationId, containerId);
                            return PublicApi.MapApps.Get(verintMapApp.Id);
                        if (Apis.Get<IUsers>().ContainerTypeId == _containerTypeId)
                            //TODO: implement user's map applications
                            return null;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string exceptions = ex.Message;
                return null;
            /**TODO: functional programming to delete application**/
            // Func<int, Guid> deleteMap = (VerintMapApp fromVerintMapApp) => ToMapApp(fromVerintMapApp, new MapApp());
            // Func<MapApp, VerintMapApp> toVerintMapApp = (MapApp fromMapApp) => ToVerintMapApp(fromMapApp, new VerintMapApp());
            public void Delete(int userId, Guid applicationId) => InternalApi.VerintDataService.DeleteVerintMapAppApplication( applicationId);
            public PropertyGroup[] GetCreateConfiguration(int userId, Guid containerTypeId, Guid containerId)
                PropertyGroup mapApp = new PropertyGroup("MapApp", "Option", 1);
                mapApp.Properties.Add(new Property("mapAppName", "Name", PropertyType.String, mapApp.Properties.Count, "Map App") { DescriptionText = "Title of the Map App" });
                mapApp.Properties.Add(new Property("mapAppDesc", "Description", PropertyType.String, mapApp.Properties.Count, "An app for mapping") { DescriptionText = "Description about the Map App" });
                mapApp.Properties.Add(new Property("mapAppAvatarUrl", "Avatar URL", PropertyType.String, mapApp.Properties.Count, "/cfs-filesystemfile/__key/system/images/grid.svg") { DescriptionText = "Map App Avatar's Url to svg or image" });
                mapApp.Properties.Add(new Property("mapAppIsEnabled", "Is Enabled", PropertyType.Bool, mapApp.Properties.Count, "true") { DescriptionText = "Map App is enabled after creating" });
                mapApp.Properties.Add(new Property("mapAppUrl", "URL name of mapapps list", PropertyType.String, mapApp.Properties.Count, "mapapp") { DescriptionText = "URL name to optimize Map App searching" });
                mapApp.Properties.Add(new Property("safeNameUrl", "URL safe name", PropertyType.String, mapApp.Properties.Count, "mapapp") { DescriptionText = "unique key name" });
                Property apiProperty = new Property("defaultApi", "Default Esri Mapping Api", PropertyType.String, mapApp.Properties.Count, "EsriMaps") { DescriptionText = "New Maps will use this api by default." };
                apiProperty.SelectableValues.Add(new PropertyValue("none", System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode("raw information for debugging"), apiProperty.SelectableValues.Count));
                apiProperty.SelectableValues.Add(new PropertyValue("EsriMaps", System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode("ArcGIS JavaScript Api"), apiProperty.SelectableValues.Count));
                //PropertyGroup mapApp2 = new PropertyGroup("MapApp2", "Setup", 2);
                //mapApp2.Properties.Add(new Property("name", "name", PropertyType.String, mapApp2.Properties.Count, "more options") { DescriptionText = "more descriptions" });
                return new PropertyGroup[] { mapApp };
            public IList<IApplication> List(int userId, Guid containerTypeId, Guid containerId)
                IList<IApplication> mapapps = new List<IApplication>();
                // IList<PublicApi.Entity.MapApp> mapapps = new List<PublicApi.Entity.MapApp>();
                foreach (Guid _containerTypeId in ContainerTypes)
                    var canRead = TEApi.Permissions.Get(UI.Permissions.MapAppPermissionRegistrar.ReadGroupMapApps, userId);
                    //container types for groups is 
                    if (canRead.IsAllowed && Apis.Get<IGroups>().ContainerTypeId == _containerTypeId)
                        int groupId = Apis.Get<IGroups>().Get(containerId).Id.Value;
                        mapapps = PublicApi.MapApps.GetMapAppApplicationsByGroup(groupId);
                    if (Apis.Get<IUsers>().ContainerTypeId == _containerTypeId)
                        //TODO: implement user's map applications
                        return mapapps;
                return mapapps;//.Cast<IApplication>().ToList(); ;
            public IList<IApplication> Search(int userId, Guid containerTypeId, Guid containerId, string searchText)
                IList<IApplication> mapapps = new List<IApplication>();
                return mapapps;
        public void SetEnabled(int userId, Guid applicationId, bool enabled) => InternalApi.VerintDataService.MapApp_SetEnabled(userId, applicationId, enabled);
            #endregion IManageableApplicationType
            #region IApplicationNavigable
            Guid IApplicationNavigable.ApplicationTypeId { get { return this.ApplicationTypeId ; } }
            public string[] Categories
                    return new string[] { "MapApps" }; // TODO: Categories? Community Map
            #region INavigableApplicationType
            public string PathDelimiter
                get { return "mapapps"; }
            public void RegisterUrls(IUrlController controller)
                controller.AddPage("GroupMapAppList", "", new Telligent.Evolution.Urls.Routing.NotSiteRootRouteConstraint(), null, "mapapp-list-page", MapApps_PdOptions);
                controller.AddPage("GroupMapAppSingle", "{mapAppSafeName}/maps", new Telligent.Evolution.Urls.Routing.NotSiteRootRouteConstraint(), null, "mapapp-map-list-page", MapApp_PdOptions);
                controller.AddPage("GroupMap", "{mapAppSafeName}/maps/{mapId}", new Telligent.Evolution.Urls.Routing.NotSiteRootRouteConstraint(), null, "mapapp-map-page", Map_PdOptions);
                controller.AddPage("GroupMapEdit", "{mapAppSafeName}/maps/{mapId}/edit", new Telligent.Evolution.Urls.Routing.NotSiteRootRouteConstraint(), null, "mapapp-map-edit-page", Map_Edit_PdOptions);
            private PageDefinitionOptions Map_PdOptions
                    return new PageDefinitionOptions()
                        ForceLowercaseUrl = true,
                        HasApplicationContext = true,
                        ParseContext = new Action<PageContext>(this.ParseMap_Context)
                        // This"validate" was in the documentation, but not sure why it's needed
                        // need to research this before enabling it.
                        // Validate = new Action<PageContext, IUrlAccessController>(Validate)
            private PageDefinitionOptions Map_Edit_PdOptions
                    return new PageDefinitionOptions()
                        ForceLowercaseUrl = true,
                        HasApplicationContext = true,
                        ParseContext = new Action<PageContext>(this.ParseMapEdit_Context)
                        // This"validate" was in the documentation, but not sure why it's needed
                        // need to research this before enabling it.
                        // Validate = new Action<PageContext, IUrlAccessController>(Validate)
            private void ParseMapEdit_Context(PageContext pageContext)
                // TODO: Refactor so there is one method that does samething
                var allContext = pageContext.ContextItems.GetAllContextItems();
                var cnt = allContext.Count;
                int groupId = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
                    var typename = allContext[i].TypeName;
                    Guid appId = allContext[i].ApplicationId.Value;
                    if (typename != "Group" || true)
                        if (!int.TryParse(allContext[0].Id, out groupId)) { }
                        string singleMapApp = pageContext.GetTokenValue("mapAppSafeName") as string;
                        string singleMap = pageContext.GetTokenValue("mapId") as string;
                        Guid appId2 = allContext[0].ApplicationId.Value;
                        Guid mapId;
                        Guid mapAppId = appId2;
                        if (!Guid.TryParse(singleMap, out mapId)) { throw new ArgumentException("...maps/{ID} is required."); }
                        //if (!Guid.TryParse(singleMapApp, out mapAppId)) { throw new ArgumentException("...mapapps/{ID} is required."); }
                        if (groupId > -1)
                            var group = TEApi.Groups.Get(new GroupsGetOptions { Id = groupId });
                            ContextItem contextItem = new ContextItem();
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(singleMapApp))
                                //PublicApi.Entities.MapApp mapapp2 = new PublicApi.Entities.MapApp(InternalApi.VerintDataService.GetVerintMapAppApplication(appId));
                                PublicApi.Entities.MapApp mapapp = InternalApi.VerintDataService.GetMapAppByGroupId_Name(groupId, "mapapp", singleMapApp);
                                PublicApi.Entities.Map map = new PublicApi.Entities.Map(InternalApi.VerintDataService.GetVerintMap(mapId));
                                contextItem.ApplicationId = mapapp.ApplicationId;
                                contextItem.ApplicationTypeId = mapapp.ApplicationTypeId;
                                contextItem.ContainerId = mapapp.Container.ContainerId;
                                contextItem.ContainerTypeId = mapapp.Container.ContainerTypeId;
                                contextItem.ContentId = mapapp.ApplicationId;
                                contextItem.ContentTypeId = mapapp.ApplicationTypeId;
                                contextItem.TypeName = _ApplicationTypeName; //why would this not be Map 
                                //contextItem.Id = map.Id.ToString();
                                contextItem.Id = mapapp.Group.Id.Value.ToString();
                                contextItem.ContentId = map.ContentId;
                                contextItem.ContentTypeId = map.ContentTypeId;
                                contextItem.TypeName = "Map";
            //private PageDefinitionOptions Map_PdOptions
            //    get
            //    {
            //        return new PageDefinitionOptions()
            //        {
            //            ForceLowercaseUrl = true,
            //            HasApplicationContext = true,
            //            ParseContext = new Action<PageContext>(this.ParseMapApp_Context)
            //            Validate = new Action<PageContext, IUrlAccessController>(Validate)
            //        };
            //    }
            private void ParseMap_Context(PageContext pageContext)
                // TODO: Refactor so there is one method that does samething
                var allContext = pageContext.ContextItems.GetAllContextItems();
                var cnt = allContext.Count;
                int groupId = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
                    var typename = allContext[i].TypeName;
                    Guid appId = allContext[i].ApplicationId.Value;
                    if (typename != "Group" || true)
                        if (!int.TryParse(allContext[0].Id, out groupId)) { }
                        string singleMapApp = pageContext.GetTokenValue("mapAppSafeName") as string;
                        string singleMap = pageContext.GetTokenValue("mapId") as string;
                        Guid appId2 = allContext[0].ApplicationId.Value;
                        Guid mapId;
                        Guid mapAppId = appId2;
                        if (!Guid.TryParse(singleMap, out mapId)) { throw new ArgumentException("...maps/{ID} is required."); }
                        //if (!Guid.TryParse(singleMapApp, out mapAppId)) { throw new ArgumentException("...mapapps/{ID} is required."); }
                        if (groupId > -1)
                            var group = TEApi.Groups.Get(new GroupsGetOptions { Id = groupId });
                            ContextItem contextItem = new ContextItem();
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(singleMapApp))
                                //PublicApi.Entities.MapApp mapapp2 = new PublicApi.Entities.MapApp(InternalApi.VerintDataService.GetVerintMapAppApplication(appId));
                                PublicApi.Entities.MapApp mapapp = InternalApi.VerintDataService.GetMapAppByGroupId_Name(groupId, "mapapp", singleMapApp);
                                PublicApi.Entities.Map map = new PublicApi.Entities.Map(InternalApi.VerintDataService.GetVerintMap(mapId));
                                contextItem.ApplicationId = mapapp.ApplicationId;
                                contextItem.ApplicationTypeId = mapapp.ApplicationTypeId;
                                contextItem.ContainerId = mapapp.Container.ContainerId;
                                contextItem.ContainerTypeId = mapapp.Container.ContainerTypeId;  
                                contextItem.ContentId = mapapp.ApplicationId;
                                contextItem.ContentTypeId = mapapp.ApplicationTypeId;
                                contextItem.TypeName = _ApplicationTypeName; //why would this not be Map 
                                //contextItem.Id = map.Id.ToString();
                                contextItem.Id = mapapp.Group.Id.Value.ToString();
                                //contextItem.ContentId = map.ContentId;
                                //contextItem.ContentTypeId = map.ContentTypeId;
                                //contextItem.TypeName = "Map";
            private PageDefinitionOptions MapApps_PdOptions
                    return new PageDefinitionOptions()
                        ForceLowercaseUrl = true,
                        HasApplicationContext = true,
                        //TODO: if the map management panel is needed a this URL,
                        //      ParseContext is need, otherwise, no action is needed.
                        //ParseContext = new Action<PageContext>(this.ParseMapApps_Context)
                        //Validate = new Action<PageContext, IUrlAccessController>(Validate)
            private PageDefinitionOptions MapApp_PdOptions
                    return new PageDefinitionOptions()
                        ForceLowercaseUrl = true,
                        HasApplicationContext = true,
                        ParseContext = new Action<PageContext>(this.ParseMapApp_Context)
                        //Validate = new Action<PageContext, IUrlAccessController>(Validate)
            private void MapAppAction(HttpContextBase arg1, PageContext arg2)
                //throw new NotImplementedException();
            private ContextItem BuildUserContextItem(Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Api.Entities.Version1.User user)
                var item = new ContextItem()
                    TypeName = "User",
                    ApplicationId = user.ContentId,
                    ApplicationTypeId = TEApi.Users.ContentTypeId,
                    ContainerId = user.ContentId,
                    ContainerTypeId = TEApi.Users.ContentTypeId,
                    ContentId = user.ContentId,
                    ContentTypeId = TEApi.Users.ContentTypeId,
                    Id = user.Id.ToString()
                return item;
            private void ParseMapApps_Context(PageContext pageContext)
                var ApplicationId = pageContext.GetTokenValue("ApplicationId");
                var ApplicationTypeId = pageContext.GetTokenValue("ApplicationTypeId");
                var allContext = pageContext.ContextItems.GetAllContextItems();
                var cnt = allContext.Count;
                int groupId = -1;
                var applicationId = allContext[0].ApplicationId.Value;
                var applicationTypeId = allContext[0].ApplicationTypeId.Value;
                var containerId = allContext[0].ContainerId.Value;
                var contrainerTypeId = allContext[0].ContainerTypeId;
                var contenId = allContext[0].ContentId.Value;
                var contentTypeId = allContext[0].ContentTypeId.Value;
                var typeNameId = allContext[0].Id;
                var relationship = allContext[0].Relationship;
                var typename = allContext[0].TypeName;
                var hashCode = allContext[0].GetHashCode();
                if (!int.TryParse(allContext[0].Id, out groupId))
                    //if groupid is not 
                    // find by  mapApp name only... 
                    // TODO: optimize database with safeName and GroupId indexing
                IList<PublicApi.Entities.MapApp> mapApps = new List<PublicApi.Entities.MapApp>();
                if (groupId > -1)
                    var group = TEApi.Groups.Get(new GroupsGetOptions { Id = groupId });
                    ContextItem contextItem = new ContextItem();
                        if (groupId >= 0)
                            mapApps = PublicApi.MapApps.List(groupId);
                            if (mapApps != null)
                                if (mapApps.Count == 1)
                                   contextItem.ApplicationId = mapApps[0].ApplicationId;
                                   contextItem.ContentId = mapApps[0].ApplicationId;
                                contextItem.ContainerId = mapApps[0].Container.ContainerId;
                                contextItem.ContainerTypeId = mapApps[0].Container.ContainerTypeId;    //Apis.Get<IGroups>().ContainerTypeId,  
                                contextItem.ContentTypeId = mapApps[0].ApplicationTypeId;
                                contextItem.TypeName = _ApplicationTypeName;
                                contextItem.Id = mapApps[0].Group.Id.Value.ToString();
                            contextItem.TypeName = _ApplicationTypeName;
                            contextItem.ApplicationTypeId = this.ApplicationTypeId;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        var message = ex.Message;
            private void ParseMapApp_Context(PageContext pageContext)
                var allContext = pageContext.ContextItems.GetAllContextItems();
                var cnt = allContext.Count;
                int groupId = -1;
                var typename = allContext[0].TypeName;
                Guid appId = allContext[0].ApplicationId.Value;
                if (!int.TryParse(allContext[0].Id, out groupId))
                string singleMapApp = pageContext.GetTokenValue("mapAppSafeName") as string;
                if (groupId > -1)
                    var group = TEApi.Groups.Get(new GroupsGetOptions { Id = groupId });
                    ContextItem contextItem = new ContextItem();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(singleMapApp))
                        PublicApi.Entities.MapApp mapapp = InternalApi.VerintDataService.GetMapAppByGroupId_Name(groupId, "mapApps", singleMapApp);
                        //VerintMapApp mapapp2 = InternalApi.VerintDataService.GetVerintMapAppApplication(mapApp.ApplicationId);
                        contextItem.ApplicationId = mapapp.ApplicationId;
                        contextItem.ApplicationTypeId = mapapp.ApplicationTypeId;
                        contextItem.ContainerId = mapapp.Container.ContainerId;
                        contextItem.ContainerTypeId = mapapp.Container.ContainerTypeId;    //Apis.Get<IGroups>().ContainerTypeId,  
                        contextItem.ContentId = mapapp.ApplicationId;
                        contextItem.ContentTypeId = mapapp.ApplicationTypeId;
                        contextItem.TypeName =   _ApplicationTypeName;
                        contextItem.Id = group.Id.HasValue ? group.Id.Value.ToString() : "" ;// mapapp.Group.Id.Value.ToString();
            #region IWebContext
            bool IWebContextualApplicationType.IsCurrentApplicationType(TeUi.IWebContext context)
                bool isCurrentMapAppType = false;
                bool maybeMapAppTypes = (context.Url.Contains("/mapapps/")) ? true : false;
                //to be current Application requires "/mapapps/" maybe it is
                bool maybeCurrentMapAppType = (!context.Url.Contains("/maps/") && maybeMapAppTypes) ? true : false;
                //if the url doesn't end with 
                if (TEApi.Url.CurrentContext != null && maybeCurrentMapAppType)
                    var item = TEApi.Url.CurrentContext.ContextItems.Find(c => c.ApplicationTypeId.Value == ApplicationTypeId);//.GetAllContextItems();
                    isCurrentMapAppType = (item != null && item.ApplicationId.HasValue) ? true : false;
                return isCurrentMapAppType;
            public IApplication GetCurrentApplication(TeUi.IWebContext context)
                PublicApi.Entities.MapApp mapApp = new PublicApi.Entities.MapApp();
                IApplication app = mapApp as IApplication;
                if (TEApi.Url.CurrentContext == null) return app;
                var item = TEApi.Url.CurrentContext.ContextItems.Find(c => c.ApplicationTypeId.Value == ApplicationTypeId);//.GetAllContextItems();
                if (item != null && item.ApplicationId.HasValue) { return PublicApi.MapApps.Get(item.ApplicationId.Value); }
                return app;

    below is the map content type

    namespace CommunityMap.Plugins.Contents
        using System;
        using System.Collections.Generic;
        using System.Linq;
        using System.Text;
        using System.Threading.Tasks;
        using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Content.Version1;
        using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Version1;
        using TeUi = Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.UI.Version1;
        using Telligent.DynamicConfiguration.Components;
        using Telligent.Evolution.Urls.Routing;
        using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility;
        using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Api.Version1;
        using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Urls.Version1;
        using TeUrls = Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Urls;
        using TEApi = Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Api.Version1.PublicApi;
        using PublicApi = CommunityMap.PublicApi;
        using CommunityMap.Plugins.Applications;
        public class MapContentType : IPlugin, IContentType, IWebContextualContentType, INavigable, ISecuredContentType //, ICategorizedPlugin
        /* TODO: , ITranslatablePlugin, IPermissions , ITaggableContentType, ISearchableContentType,  
         *  IScriptedContentFragmentExtension, 
         *  IGroupNewPostLinkPlugin
            // ITranslatablePluginController _translation;
            IContentStateChanges _contentState;
            //IHashTagController _hashTagController;
            //IMentionController _mentionController;
            string ApplicationTypeName = MapAppType._ApplicationTypeName;
            public Guid[] ApplicationTypes { get { return new Guid[] { Plugins.Applications.MapAppType._applicationTypeId }; } }
            public static readonly Guid _contentTypeId = new Guid("8acb93a7-f580-4c23-95c8-98ad8cf94d45");
            public Guid ContentTypeId { get { return _contentTypeId; } }
            public string ContentTypeName { get { return "MapContent"; } }
            public string Description { get { return "Community Map Content"; } }
            public string Name { get { return "Map"; } }
            public void AttachChangeEvents(IContentStateChanges stateChanges) { _contentState = stateChanges; }
            public IContent Get(Guid contentId) { PublicApi.Entities.Map map = new PublicApi.Entities.Map(); return map; }
            public ISecuredContentType Get( IContent content) {   return content as ISecuredContentType; } 
            //public IContent GetCurrentContent(TeUi.IWebContext context)
            //    IContent cont = new  PublicApi.Map() as IContent;
            //    return cont;
            //   // throw new NotImplementedException();
            public void Initialize() { }
            #region IWebContextualContentType Members
            public IContent GetCurrentContent(TeUi.IWebContext context)
                if (TEApi.Url.CurrentContext == null || context.Url.IndexOf("/mapapps/") == -1 || context.Url.IndexOf("/maps/") == -1) return null;
                Guid applicationTypeId = Plugins.Applications.MapAppType._applicationTypeId;
                //IEnumerable<IContextItem> items = TEApi.Url.CurrentContext.ContextItems.Find(c => c.ApplicationTypeId.Value == applicationTypeId));
                IEnumerable<IContextItem> items = TEApi.Url.CurrentContext.ContextItems.GetAllContextItems().Where(c => c.ApplicationTypeId.Value == applicationTypeId);//c.ContentTypeId == PublicApi.Maps.ContentTypeId);
                if (items.Count() == 1)
                    IContextItem item = items.Single();
                    PublicApi.Entities.Map content = CommunityMap.PublicApi.Maps.Get(item.ContentId.Value);
                    if (content != null && content.ContentId != Guid.Empty)
                        return content;
                        //return null; this block may not be needed if the contentid is not a map 
                        //and the url is for a mapapp, not a map.
                        int start = context.Url.IndexOf("/maps/") + 5;
                        int urlLen = context.Url.Length;
                        string guidStr = ((urlLen - start) == 32) ? context.Url.Substring(start, 32) : "";
                        Guid contentId = Guid.TryParse(guidStr, out contentId) ? contentId : Guid.Empty;
                        content = PublicApi.Maps.Get(contentId);
                        return content;
                return null;
            #region ICategorizedPlugin Members
            public string[] Categories
                    return new string[] { "Verint" };
            #region INavigable Members
            public string PathDelimiter
                get { return "mapapps"; }
            public void RegisterUrls(IUrlController controller)
                controller.AddPage("GroupMapEdit", "{mapAppSafeName}/maps/{mapId}/edit/", new Telligent.Evolution.Urls.Routing.NotSiteRootRouteConstraint(), null, "apan-map-page", Map_PdOptions);
            private PageDefinitionOptions Map_PdOptions
                    return new PageDefinitionOptions()
                        ForceLowercaseUrl = true,
                        HasApplicationContext = true,
                        ParseContext = new Action<PageContext>(this.ParseMapEdit_Context)
                        // This"validate" was in the documentation, but not sure why it's needed
                        // need to research this before enabling it.
                        // Validate = new Action<PageContext, IUrlAccessController>(Validate)
            private void ParseMapEdit_Context(PageContext pageContext)
                var allContext = pageContext.ContextItems.GetAllContextItems();
                var cnt = allContext.Count;
                int groupId = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
                    var typename = allContext[i].TypeName;
                    Guid appId = allContext[i].ApplicationId.Value;
                    if (typename != "Group" || true)
                        if (!int.TryParse(allContext[0].Id, out groupId)) { }
                        string singleMapApp = pageContext.GetTokenValue("mapAppSafeName") as string;
                        string singleMap = pageContext.GetTokenValue("mapId") as string;
                        Guid mapId;
                        if (!Guid.TryParse(singleMap, out mapId)) { throw new ArgumentException("...maps/{ID} is required."); }
                        if (groupId > -1)
                            var group = TEApi.Groups.Get(new GroupsGetOptions { Id = groupId });
                            ContextItem contextItem = new ContextItem();
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(singleMapApp))
                                PublicApi.Entities.MapApp mapapp = InternalApi.VerintDataService.GetMapAppByGroupId_Name(groupId, "mapapp", singleMapApp);
                                PublicApi.Entities.Map map = new PublicApi.Entities.Map(InternalApi.VerintDataService.GetVerintMap(mapId));
                                contextItem.ApplicationId = mapapp.ApplicationId;
                                contextItem.ApplicationTypeId = mapapp.ApplicationTypeId;
                                contextItem.ContainerId = mapapp.Container.ContainerId;
                                contextItem.ContainerTypeId = mapapp.Container.ContainerTypeId;    //Apis.Get<IGroups>().ContainerTypeId,  
                                contextItem.ContentId = map.ContentId;
                                //********need to look at the map entity, determine why MapTypeId is used for the ContentTypeId
                                contextItem.ContentTypeId = map.ContentTypeId;
                                contextItem.TypeName = ApplicationTypeName; //why would this not be Map 
                                contextItem.Id = map.Id.ToString();
            #region SecuredContentType  
            private static readonly Guid _readMapsId = InternalApi.VerintDataService.ReadMapsId;
            Guid ISecuredContentType.DefaultPermissionId { get { return _readMapsId; } }
            Guid ISecuredContentType.DefaultContentPermissionId { get { return _contentTypeId; } }
            //public Guid DefaultContentPermissionId { get; private set; }
            //public Guid DefaultPermissionId { get; private set; }
            public Guid GetContentPermissionId(IContent content)
                var securedContent  = content as ISecuredContentType;
                var contentPermissionId = securedContent.DefaultPermissionId  ;
                return contentPermissionId;
            public Guid GetSecurableId(IContent content)
                return content.Application.ApplicationId;

  • You may be right as to call me out on the correctness.. I think it's fully implemented however.
    Here are the entities for Map and MapApp are here:

    namespace CommunityMap.PublicApi.Entities
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Api.Entities.Version1;
    using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Api.Version1;
    using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Content.Version1;
    using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility;
    using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
    using mapModels = CommunityMap.Core.Models;
    using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
    using CommunityMap.InternalApi;
        public class Map : ApiEntity, IContent
            private InternalApi.Entities.VerintMap _map = new InternalApi.Entities.VerintMap();
            #region ApiEntity
            public Map() : base() { }
            public Map(AdditionalInfo additionalInfo) : base(additionalInfo) { }
            public Map(IList<Warning> warnings, IList<Error> errors) : base(warnings, errors) { }
            internal Map(InternalApi.Entities.VerintMap map) : base() { _map = map; }
            #region IContent
            internal InternalApi.Entities.VerintMapApp cmapapp { get { return InternalApi.VerintDataService.GetVerintMapAppApplication(_map.MapTypeId); } }
            public MapApp mapapp { get { return new MapApp(cmapapp); } }
            public IApplication Application { get { return MapApps.Get(_map.MapTypeId); } }
            public string Name { get { return _map.Title; } }
            public string Title { get { return _map.Title; } }
            public string Description { get { return _map.Description; } }
            public string AvatarUrl { get { return _map.ThumbnailUrl; } }
            public string ThumbnailUrl { get { return _map.ThumbnailUrl; } }
            public int Id { get { return _map.Id; } }
            public int ObjectId { get { return _map.Id; } }
            public Guid MapId { get { return _map.MapId; } }
            public Guid MapTypeId { get { return _map.MapTypeId; } }
            public string MapOptions { get { return _map.MapOptions; } }
            public Guid ContentId { get { return _map.MapId; } }
            public Guid ContentTypeId { get { return _map.MapTypeId; } }
            public int? CreatedByUserId { get { return _map.CreateByUserId.Value; } }
            public DateTime CreatedDate { get { return _map.CreateUtcDate.HasValue ? _map.CreateUtcDate.Value : DateTime.UtcNow; } }
            public int? ModifiedByUserId { get { return _map.ModifiedByUserId.Value; } }
            public DateTime ModifiedDate { get { return _map.ModifiedUtcDate.HasValue ? _map.ModifiedUtcDate.Value : DateTime.UtcNow; } }
            public bool IsEnabled { get { return true; } }
            public bool IsIndexed { get { return _map.IsIndexed; } }
            public int MapAppId { get { return mapapp.ObjectId; } }
            public string Url { get { return mapapp.Url +  _map.MapId.ToString(); } }
            public string HtmlDescription(string target) { return _map.Description; }
            public string HtmlName(string target) { return _map.Title; }

    namespace CommunityMap.PublicApi.Entities
        using System;
        using System.Collections.Generic;
        using System.Linq;
        using System.Text;
        using System.Threading.Tasks;
        using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Api.Entities.Version1;
        using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Api.Version1;
        using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Content.Version1;
        using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility;
        using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
        using mapModels = CommunityMap.Core.Models;
        using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
        using TEApi = Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Api.Version1.PublicApi;
        public class MapApp : ApiEntity, IApplication
            private CommunityMap.InternalApi.Entities.VerintMapApp _MapApp = new InternalApi.Entities.VerintMapApp();
            #region ApiEntity
            public MapApp() : base() { }
            public MapApp(AdditionalInfo additionalInfo) : base(additionalInfo) { }
            public MapApp(IList<Warning> warnings, IList<Error> errors) : base(warnings, errors) { }
            internal MapApp(InternalApi.Entities.VerintMapApp MapApp) : base() { _MapApp = MapApp; }
            #region IApplication
            public string Name { get { return _MapApp.Name; } }
            public string Description { get { return _MapApp.Description;  } }
            public Guid Id { get { return _MapApp.ApplicationId; } }
            public int ObjectId { get { return _MapApp.Id; } }
            public Guid ApplicationId { get { return _MapApp != null && _MapApp.ApplicationId != null ? _MapApp.ApplicationId : Guid.Empty; } }
            public Guid ApplicationTypeId { get { return _MapApp != null && _MapApp.ApplicationTypeId.HasValue ? _MapApp.ApplicationTypeId.Value : Guid.Empty; } }
            public string AvatarUrl { get { return _MapApp.AvatarUrl; } }
            public string SafeName { get { return _MapApp.SafeName; } }
            public IContainer Container
                    GroupsGetOptions groupOpt = new GroupsGetOptions();
                    groupOpt.Id = _MapApp != null ? _MapApp.GroupId : -1;
                    if (groupOpt.Id > 0)
                        return Apis.Get<IGroups>().Get(groupOpt);
                    return Apis.Get<IGroups>().Root;
            public Group Group
                    if (object.ReferenceEquals(null, _MapApp)) { return null; }
                    GroupsGetOptions groupOpt = new GroupsGetOptions();
                    groupOpt.Id = _MapApp.GroupId;
                    if (groupOpt.Id > 0)
                        Group group = Apis.Get<IGroups>().Get(groupOpt);
                        return group;
                    Group groupRoot = Apis.Get<IGroups>().Root;
                    return groupRoot;
            internal static MapApp Get(Guid applicationId)
                InternalApi.Entities.VerintMapApp vma = InternalApi.VerintDataService.GetVerintMapAppApplication(applicationId);
                return new MapApp(vma);
            internal static MapApp Get(string MapAppName)
                throw new NotImplementedException();
            internal static MapApp Get(int groupId, string MapAppName)
                MapApp MapApp = new MapApp();
                MapApp = InternalApi.VerintDataService.GetMapAppByGroupId_Name(groupId, MapAppName, null);
                return MapApp;
            public bool IsEnabled { get { return _MapApp.IsEnabled != null ? _MapApp.IsEnabled.Value : false; } }
            public string Url
                    string safeUrl = this.Group.Url + "mapapps/" + _MapApp.SafeName + "/maps/"; 
                    return safeUrl;
            public string HtmlDescription(string target) { return _MapApp.HtmlDescription(target.ToLower()); }
            public string HtmlName(string target) { return _MapApp.HtmlName(target.ToLower()); }

  • So I guess I am no longer sure where the confusion is.   You IContent.Get would get one of your Map objects by contentId.  Then you need IContent ISecuredContentType.Get(contentId)   it HAS to be defined  like this(explicit) so the platform only uses this version of Get in the subsystem for security.

    IContent.Get could potentially have security implemented(thats up to you), the Secured version cannot check at all.  If neither of these do then they can be the same but I don't really recommend it.

  • Adding the IContent ISecuredContentType.Get.. please note the change to the code to pull the actual content or map, instead of just the new content..

       public IContent Get(Guid contentId) {
                IContent map = PublicApi.Maps.Get(contentId);
                //PublicApi.Entities.Map map = new PublicApi.Entities.Map();
                return map;
             IContent ISecuredContentType.Get(Guid contentId) {
                IContent map = PublicApi.Maps.Get(contentId);
                //PublicApi.Entities.Map map = new PublicApi.Entities.Map();
                return map;

  • I don't see anything wrong...though I can only assume your calls work  Slight smile

  • I build it and checking it runs now..
    this below code  doesn't look right to me...

       public Guid GetContentPermissionId(IContent content)
                var securedContent  = content as ISecuredContentType;
                var contentPermissionId = securedContent.DefaultPermissionId  ;
                return contentPermissionId;
            public Guid GetSecurableId(IContent content)
                return content.Application.ApplicationId;

  • ok. I didn't break anything, but didn't fix anything either.
    what's next?

  • umm.. it looks like the permissions for the group level are working.. on the management panel..
    below, gapplicationId is the group application id. then the permissionId is for the my group delete map app id.
    the test is shown below, this is using a 'managers' login, and the  image shows the delete button was disabled for the application.. 
    that's progress! 

    //using the group application id
    PermissionEntry nodeCheck1 = TEApi.NodePermissions.Get("groups", gapplicationId, permissionId.ToString());
