ITemplatablePlugin not allowing different templates?

I am trying to create an ITemplatablePlugin that has 6 different templates.  I have set them up, but when it renders in the plugin, it appears it only is allowing 4 different types of templates:

If I rename the keys or omit and only have one "DefaultTemplate" defined, I see this dropdown?  Is this a limitation of ITemplatablePlugin?

  •         public Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Version1.TokenizedTemplate[] DefaultTemplates
                    var subjectTemplate = new TokenizedTemplate("email_subject")
                        Name = "Email - Subject",
                        Description = "This is the subject for the email",
                        ContextualDataTypeIds = new[]
                    subjectTemplate.Set("en-us", @"<template id=""email_subject"" name=""Email - Subject"" description=""This is the subject for the email"">
                                        <source>Badge Awarded Notification</source>
                                        <fragments />
                    var bodyTemplate = new TokenizedTemplate("email_body")
                        Name = "Email - Body",
                        Description = "Session Email Body",
                        ContextualDataTypeIds = new[]
                    bodyTemplate.Set("en-us", @"<template id=""email_body"" name=""Email - Session 1 Body"" description=""This is the body for Session 1"">
                                        <source>Session content is available.</source>
                                        <fragments />
                    var headerTemplate = new TokenizedTemplate("email_header")
                        Name = "Email - Header",
                        Description = "This is the header for the email",
                        ContextualDataTypeIds = new[]
                    headerTemplate.Set("en-us", @"<template id=""email_header"" name=""Email - Header"" description=""This is the header for the email"">
                                                    <source>Header for MyNotificationType (not shown in the default email template wrapper)</source>
                                                    <fragments />
                    var footerTemplate = new TokenizedTemplate("email_footer")
                        Name = "Email - Footer",
                        Description = "This is the footer for the email",
                        ContextualDataTypeIds = new[]
                    footerTemplate.Set("en-us", @"<template id=""email_footer"" name=""Email - Footer"" description=""This is the footer for the email"">
                                            <source>Footer for MyNotificationType</source>
                                            <fragments />
                    return new[] { subjectTemplate, bodyTemplate, headerTemplate, footerTemplate };

  • So if I try add a template, or return like this:
    return new[] { subjectTemplate };

    I still see 4 options in the dropdown.

  • Here is the entire thing. 

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using Telligent.DynamicConfiguration.Components;
    using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility;
    using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Api.Entities.Version1;
    using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Api.Version1;
    using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Jobs.Version1;
    using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Templating.Version1;
    using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Version1;
    namespace HearingFirst.LearningExperience.Jobs
        public class SessionContentReminderJob : IRecurringEvolutionJobPlugin, ITemplatablePlugin, IConfigurablePlugin
            #region Private Members
            private ITemplatablePluginController _templatablePluginController;
            private IPluginConfiguration _config;
            #region IPlugin Members
            public string Name => "Hearing First - Session 1 Content Reminder Job";
            public string Description => "Sends email reminders the day before session 1 pre-learning content opens.";
            public void Initialize(){ }
            #region IRecurringEvolutionJobPlugin Members
            public Guid JobTypeId => Guid.Parse("BBBD2ADB-E4FD-4363-8A9F-B99B75D8767B");
            public JobSchedule DefaultSchedule => JobSchedule.Daily();
            public JobContext SupportedContext => JobContext.InProcess;
            public void Execute(JobData jobData)
                var omittedGroupIds = this.GetOmittedGroupIds();
                var sessions = Components.Sessions.ListActivatedSessions();
                foreach (var session in sessions)
                    if (session.SortOrder.Equals(1))
                        var course = Components.Courses.Get(session.CourseId);
                        if (!omittedGroupIds.Contains(course.GroupId))
                            var liveSessions = Components.Sessions.GetLiveSessions(session.Id);
                            if (liveSessions.Count() > 0)
                                var date = liveSessions.First();
                                course.NextLiveSessionDateDynamic = date.ExperienceDateTime;
                            // Loop through all group members and send the reminder email
                            List<int> userIds = new List<int>();
                            var members = Apis.Get<IGroupUserMembers>().List(new GroupUserMembersListOptions { GroupId = course.GroupId, PageIndex = 0, PageSize = 1, MembershipType = "Member" });
                            int memberPages = (members.TotalCount / 100) + 1;
                            for (int x = 0; x < memberPages; x++)
                                var memberQuery = Apis.Get<IGroupUserMembers>().List(new GroupUserMembersListOptions { GroupId = course.GroupId, PageIndex = x, PageSize = 100, MembershipType = "Member" });
                                var ids = (from m in memberQuery select m.User.Id.Value).ToList();
                            // Now loop through the userIds and queue an email
                            foreach (var uid in userIds)
                                var user = Apis.Get<IUsers>().Get(new UsersGetOptions { Id = uid });
                                this.SendSessionNotification(user, course, session);
                                // If we're in debug mode, only send one.
                                if (this.IsDebug()) break;
            #region ITemplatablePlugin Members
            public Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Version1.TokenizedTemplate[] DefaultTemplates
                    var subjectTemplate = new TokenizedTemplate("email_subject")
                        Name = "Email - Subject",
                        Description = "This is the subject for the email",
                        ContextualDataTypeIds = new[]
                    subjectTemplate.Set("en-us", @"<template id=""email_subject"" name=""Email - Subject"" description=""This is the subject for the email"">
                                        <source>Badge Awarded Notification</source>
                                        <fragments />
                    var bodyTemplate = new TokenizedTemplate("email_body")
                        Name = "Email - Body",
                        Description = "Session Email Body",
                        ContextualDataTypeIds = new[]
                    bodyTemplate.Set("en-us", @"<template id=""email_body"" name=""Email - Session 1 Body"" description=""This is the body for Session 1"">
                                        <source>Session content is available.</source>
                                        <fragments />
                    var headerTemplate = new TokenizedTemplate("email_header")
                        Name = "Email - Header",
                        Description = "This is the header for the email",
                        ContextualDataTypeIds = new[]
                    headerTemplate.Set("en-us", @"<template id=""email_header"" name=""Email - Header"" description=""This is the header for the email"">
                                                    <source>Header for MyNotificationType (not shown in the default email template wrapper)</source>
                                                    <fragments />
                    var footerTemplate = new TokenizedTemplate("email_footer")
                        Name = "Email - Footer",
                        Description = "This is the footer for the email",
                        ContextualDataTypeIds = new[]
                    footerTemplate.Set("en-us", @"<template id=""email_footer"" name=""Email - Footer"" description=""This is the footer for the email"">
                                            <source>Footer for MyNotificationType</source>
                                            <fragments />
                    return new[] { subjectTemplate, bodyTemplate, headerTemplate, footerTemplate };
            public void SetController(ITemplatablePluginController controller)
                _templatablePluginController = controller;
            public void SendSessionNotification(User user, Entities.Course course, Entities.Session session)
                if (this.IsDebug())
                    var debugUsername = this.GetDebugUsername();
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(debugUsername))
                        user = Apis.Get<IUsers>().Get(new UsersGetOptions { Username = debugUsername });
                if (user != null)
                    // Create the Template Context and add the user and group to it
                    var templateContext = new TemplateContext();
                    templateContext.AddItem(Apis.Get<IUsers>().ContentTypeId, user);
                    templateContext.AddItem(Components.Courses.CONTENT_TYPE_ID, course);
                    templateContext.AddItem(Components.Sessions.CONTENT_TYPE_ID, session);
                    // Send the email with the details specified. If run from the web process, this will schedule a job to send the email,
                    //  meaning the Job Service must be running for the email to actually go out.
                    if (this.SendConversationMessages())
                        string subject = _templatablePluginController.RenderTokenString("email_subject", templateContext);
                        var body = _templatablePluginController.RenderTokenString("email_body", templateContext);
                        Apis.Get<IConversations>().Create(subject, subject + body, this.GetConversationFromUsername() + "," + user.Username);
                        var sendOptions = new SendEmailOptions
                            ToUserId = user.Id.Value,
                            Subject = _templatablePluginController.RenderTokenString("email_subject", templateContext),
                            Body = _templatablePluginController.RenderTokenString("email_body", templateContext),
                            Header = _templatablePluginController.RenderTokenString("email_header", templateContext),
                            Footer = _templatablePluginController.RenderTokenString("email_footer", templateContext)
            #region IConfigurable Plugin Members
            public PropertyGroup[] ConfigurationOptions
                    var options = new PropertyGroup("options", "Options", 0);
                    var sendConversations = new Property("SendConversations", "Send Conversations:", PropertyType.Bool, 1, "")
                        DescriptionText = "Sends conversations instead of emails.  Leaving un-checked will send emails only."
                    var sendConversationUsername = new Property("SendConversationUsername", "Send Conversation Username:", PropertyType.String, 1, "hearingfirst")
                        DescriptionText = "Username of the user sending the conversation reminders."
                    var omitGroupIds = new Property("OmitGroupIds", "Omit Group Ids:", PropertyType.String, 1, "")
                        DescriptionText = "CSV list of group ids that will not get these communications."
                    var isDebug = new Property("IsDebugMode", "Debug Mode:", PropertyType.Bool, 1, "")
                        DescriptionText = "Run the job in debug mode."
                    var debugUsername = new Property("DebugUsername", "Debug Username:", PropertyType.String, 1, "")
                        DescriptionText = "Username that will recieve all messages when in debug mode."
                    return new[] { options };
            public void Update(IPluginConfiguration configuration)
                _config = configuration;
            public string GetConfigurationString(string key)
                return _config.GetString(key);
            public int GetConfigurationInt(string key)
                return _config.GetInt(key);
            public bool SendConversationMessages()
                return _config.GetBool("SendConversations");
            public bool IsDebug()
                return _config.GetBool("IsDebugMode");
            public string GetDebugUsername()
                return this.GetConfigurationString("DebugUsername");
            public string GetConversationFromUsername()
                return this.GetConfigurationString("SendConversationUsername");
            public List<int> GetOmittedGroupIds()
                string csvList = GetConfigurationString("OmitGroupIds");
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(csvList))
                    return csvList.Split(',').Select(int.Parse).ToList();
                return new List<int>();

  • Here is the entire thing. 

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using Telligent.DynamicConfiguration.Components;
    using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility;
    using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Api.Entities.Version1;
    using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Api.Version1;
    using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Jobs.Version1;
    using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Templating.Version1;
    using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Version1;
    namespace HearingFirst.LearningExperience.Jobs
        public class SessionContentReminderJob : IRecurringEvolutionJobPlugin, ITemplatablePlugin, IConfigurablePlugin
            #region Private Members
            private ITemplatablePluginController _templatablePluginController;
            private IPluginConfiguration _config;
            #region IPlugin Members
            public string Name => "Hearing First - Session 1 Content Reminder Job";
            public string Description => "Sends email reminders the day before session 1 pre-learning content opens.";
            public void Initialize(){ }
            #region IRecurringEvolutionJobPlugin Members
            public Guid JobTypeId => Guid.Parse("BBBD2ADB-E4FD-4363-8A9F-B99B75D8767B");
            public JobSchedule DefaultSchedule => JobSchedule.Daily();
            public JobContext SupportedContext => JobContext.InProcess;
            public void Execute(JobData jobData)
                var omittedGroupIds = this.GetOmittedGroupIds();
                var sessions = Components.Sessions.ListActivatedSessions();
                foreach (var session in sessions)
                    if (session.SortOrder.Equals(1))
                        var course = Components.Courses.Get(session.CourseId);
                        if (!omittedGroupIds.Contains(course.GroupId))
                            var liveSessions = Components.Sessions.GetLiveSessions(session.Id);
                            if (liveSessions.Count() > 0)
                                var date = liveSessions.First();
                                course.NextLiveSessionDateDynamic = date.ExperienceDateTime;
                            // Loop through all group members and send the reminder email
                            List<int> userIds = new List<int>();
                            var members = Apis.Get<IGroupUserMembers>().List(new GroupUserMembersListOptions { GroupId = course.GroupId, PageIndex = 0, PageSize = 1, MembershipType = "Member" });
                            int memberPages = (members.TotalCount / 100) + 1;
                            for (int x = 0; x < memberPages; x++)
                                var memberQuery = Apis.Get<IGroupUserMembers>().List(new GroupUserMembersListOptions { GroupId = course.GroupId, PageIndex = x, PageSize = 100, MembershipType = "Member" });
                                var ids = (from m in memberQuery select m.User.Id.Value).ToList();
                            // Now loop through the userIds and queue an email
                            foreach (var uid in userIds)
                                var user = Apis.Get<IUsers>().Get(new UsersGetOptions { Id = uid });
                                this.SendSessionNotification(user, course, session);
                                // If we're in debug mode, only send one.
                                if (this.IsDebug()) break;
            #region ITemplatablePlugin Members
            public Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Version1.TokenizedTemplate[] DefaultTemplates
                    var subjectTemplate = new TokenizedTemplate("email_subject")
                        Name = "Email - Subject",
                        Description = "This is the subject for the email",
                        ContextualDataTypeIds = new[]
                    subjectTemplate.Set("en-us", @"<template id=""email_subject"" name=""Email - Subject"" description=""This is the subject for the email"">
                                        <source>Badge Awarded Notification</source>
                                        <fragments />
                    var bodyTemplate = new TokenizedTemplate("email_body")
                        Name = "Email - Body",
                        Description = "Session Email Body",
                        ContextualDataTypeIds = new[]
                    bodyTemplate.Set("en-us", @"<template id=""email_body"" name=""Email - Session 1 Body"" description=""This is the body for Session 1"">
                                        <source>Session content is available.</source>
                                        <fragments />
                    var headerTemplate = new TokenizedTemplate("email_header")
                        Name = "Email - Header",
                        Description = "This is the header for the email",
                        ContextualDataTypeIds = new[]
                    headerTemplate.Set("en-us", @"<template id=""email_header"" name=""Email - Header"" description=""This is the header for the email"">
                                                    <source>Header for MyNotificationType (not shown in the default email template wrapper)</source>
                                                    <fragments />
                    var footerTemplate = new TokenizedTemplate("email_footer")
                        Name = "Email - Footer",
                        Description = "This is the footer for the email",
                        ContextualDataTypeIds = new[]
                    footerTemplate.Set("en-us", @"<template id=""email_footer"" name=""Email - Footer"" description=""This is the footer for the email"">
                                            <source>Footer for MyNotificationType</source>
                                            <fragments />
                    return new[] { subjectTemplate, bodyTemplate, headerTemplate, footerTemplate };
            public void SetController(ITemplatablePluginController controller)
                _templatablePluginController = controller;
            public void SendSessionNotification(User user, Entities.Course course, Entities.Session session)
                if (this.IsDebug())
                    var debugUsername = this.GetDebugUsername();
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(debugUsername))
                        user = Apis.Get<IUsers>().Get(new UsersGetOptions { Username = debugUsername });
                if (user != null)
                    // Create the Template Context and add the user and group to it
                    var templateContext = new TemplateContext();
                    templateContext.AddItem(Apis.Get<IUsers>().ContentTypeId, user);
                    templateContext.AddItem(Components.Courses.CONTENT_TYPE_ID, course);
                    templateContext.AddItem(Components.Sessions.CONTENT_TYPE_ID, session);
                    // Send the email with the details specified. If run from the web process, this will schedule a job to send the email,
                    //  meaning the Job Service must be running for the email to actually go out.
                    if (this.SendConversationMessages())
                        string subject = _templatablePluginController.RenderTokenString("email_subject", templateContext);
                        var body = _templatablePluginController.RenderTokenString("email_body", templateContext);
                        Apis.Get<IConversations>().Create(subject, subject + body, this.GetConversationFromUsername() + "," + user.Username);
                        var sendOptions = new SendEmailOptions
                            ToUserId = user.Id.Value,
                            Subject = _templatablePluginController.RenderTokenString("email_subject", templateContext),
                            Body = _templatablePluginController.RenderTokenString("email_body", templateContext),
                            Header = _templatablePluginController.RenderTokenString("email_header", templateContext),
                            Footer = _templatablePluginController.RenderTokenString("email_footer", templateContext)
            #region IConfigurable Plugin Members
            public PropertyGroup[] ConfigurationOptions
                    var options = new PropertyGroup("options", "Options", 0);
                    var sendConversations = new Property("SendConversations", "Send Conversations:", PropertyType.Bool, 1, "")
                        DescriptionText = "Sends conversations instead of emails.  Leaving un-checked will send emails only."
                    var sendConversationUsername = new Property("SendConversationUsername", "Send Conversation Username:", PropertyType.String, 1, "hearingfirst")
                        DescriptionText = "Username of the user sending the conversation reminders."
                    var omitGroupIds = new Property("OmitGroupIds", "Omit Group Ids:", PropertyType.String, 1, "")
                        DescriptionText = "CSV list of group ids that will not get these communications."
                    var isDebug = new Property("IsDebugMode", "Debug Mode:", PropertyType.Bool, 1, "")
                        DescriptionText = "Run the job in debug mode."
                    var debugUsername = new Property("DebugUsername", "Debug Username:", PropertyType.String, 1, "")
                        DescriptionText = "Username that will recieve all messages when in debug mode."
                    return new[] { options };
            public void Update(IPluginConfiguration configuration)
                _config = configuration;
            public string GetConfigurationString(string key)
                return _config.GetString(key);
            public int GetConfigurationInt(string key)
                return _config.GetInt(key);
            public bool SendConversationMessages()
                return _config.GetBool("SendConversations");
            public bool IsDebug()
                return _config.GetBool("IsDebugMode");
            public string GetDebugUsername()
                return this.GetConfigurationString("DebugUsername");
            public string GetConversationFromUsername()
                return this.GetConfigurationString("SendConversationUsername");
            public List<int> GetOmittedGroupIds()
                string csvList = GetConfigurationString("OmitGroupIds");
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(csvList))
                    return csvList.Split(',').Select(int.Parse).ToList();
                return new List<int>();
