Get all roles of a user

Trying to retrieve a list of roles for a given user.  Doing something wrong obviously as this call returns back every role in my system.

var roles = Apis.Get<IRoles>().List(new RolesListOptions { UserId = user.Id });

Parents Reply
  •   - Looks like I asked this on v9 - on V12 this code seems off...I'm getting b ack a redundant list of what appears to be roles within a group as well, mixed-in with my system roles.  Here's an example string list of roles that comes back with this call for a user... any idea how I can just get back system roles?

    You can see I get back "Members" and "owners" multiple times, but I really only want "Administrators" and "Staff" as those are defined roles in the admin and not group membership roles...

    Administrators Members Members Members Owners Staff Members Owners Owners Members Owners Owners Owners Owners Owners Owners Owners Owners Owners Owners
