What is the Default Size of the Generic Content Widget?

I am trying to upload an Image to my Generic Content Widget but it starts to repeat itself if it cannot fill the entire window.

I want to know what the default size it so i can adjust the image size. I tried to adjust the dimensions when i upload it as an image but it doesnt work.

I tried to adjust the size when i upload it as a background but all it gives me is height.

This is the Image that i get after i post it into my Generic Content Widget. The area in the red box is where the image repeats itself.

  • There is no default size.  The widget is just rendering the image as a background image at its original size.  The width and height requirements to prevent repeating will be unique depending on the location of the widget and the content of the widget.

    You could use the CSS Class option on the widget to make changes to background image style.  For instance adding the CSS class no-repeat to the widget would allow you target the div containing the background image and alter its behavior.

    .content-fragment.html-content.no-repeat .content-fragment-content .user-defined-markup { 
        background-repeat: no-repeat; 

  • There is no default size.  The widget is just rendering the image as a background image at its original size.  The width and height requirements to prevent repeating will be unique depending on the location of the widget and the content of the widget.

    You could use the CSS Class option on the widget to make changes to background image style.  For instance adding the CSS class no-repeat to the widget would allow you target the div containing the background image and alter its behavior.

    .content-fragment.html-content.no-repeat .content-fragment-content .user-defined-markup { 
        background-repeat: no-repeat; 

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