different Widget versions

Hello Slight smile

we are currently using Telligent 9.2. I've created some custom widgets, they are all functioning very well. The problem is that for some reason there are now different versions of these widgets (always 1 default and custom version for specific themes). That's not really needed and since I'm not the only one working on these widgets, me and my colleagues have no clear view of the widgets anymore. The same widget has different stages of development since there are always multiple versions of it. We didn't knew this and didn't payed enough attention in the beginning, now we have a big mess.

Is there an option to simply delete themed versions of widgets? We really don't need this, our widgets are quite simple and work with every theme we are currently using, its just more work to have more versions of the same widgets.

Since we are using these widgets already in our groups, what happens if I delete a themed version of a widget? Will the group automatically take the "default" version of this widget or will it simply act like the widget doesn't exist anymore at all? 

Thanks for any help in advance, I really appreciate it :)

Greetings from Germany,
