Article What is a group?

A group is organized like a "neighborhood,"  with users, applications, and some common characteristic or point of interest such as technology questions or blogging about your company. and data, within Verint Community. There are different types of groups, which makes it possible to control degrees of visibility and access. Please see the next section to learn about these types. 

What group types are there?

There are five group types of Verint Community groups. Its type governs the way a group behaves regarding membership and visibility. Below, we describe them in terms of joining. The types include:

  • Private Unlisted - The group name doesn't appear in the group list. The only way to join it is to receive an email invitation from an owner.
  • Private Listed - The group's name appears in the group list; however, its content is not visible to non-group members. Click Join Group to trigger a Request membership dialog box. Here, you type a message to the group owner(s) for your request and then click Request membership.
  • Public Closed - With this kind of group, clicking Join Group triggers a Request membership dialog box. Here, you type a message to the group owner(s) for your request. You then click Request membership.
  • Public Open - You can join this group by clicking the group home page's Join Group link and immediately become a member. 
  • Joinless - Membership isn't tracked (that is, there are no group members, per se). Site-level roles control the group's permissions. Joinless groups are managed by system administrators unless an administrator creates a special role for managing this type of group. 

Groups may also be nested inside each other.

Are there different levels of membership?

Within a group, there are three levels of membership:

  • Group members (can create and view group content, view group members except in joinless groups, and invite prospective members).
  • Group managers (have the same permission as group members, but additionally can manage the group).
  • Group owners (have the same permissions as a manager, but also can control group settings, add new members, modify the group theme, create new applications, create new roles, and and modify role permissions.

NOTE: Joinless Groups will only have the Group Owner Role

How do I create a group?

Navigate to where you want the group to reside (such as the site level). For the purpose of this operation, Verint Community considers the entire community to be a group. Even if you want to add top-level groups, they are still sub-groups in the context of the community.

To create a sub-group of another group (whether top-level group or lower), click the Pencil tool. Click Manage group in the contextual panel. Select Sub-Groups. Click Add Sub-Group in the contextual panel. Add the group name and click Save.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I create a Public sub-group underneath a Private group?

  • Yes, you can create a public group underneath a private group. Users that do not have access to the private group will not see that group, but will be able to see any public sub-groups.