Article Points Automations

Points automations are used to enable automated logic that awards or revokes points.

Why would I implement a points automation?

If you want to enable custom automation logic to award or revoke points within points management (Administration > Membership > Points), you should create a points automation.

How do I create a custom points automation?

To create a points automation, when creating a new automation in Automation Studio, select "Points automations" as the target.

Points automations are executed within the context of a point factor (defined in Administration > Membership > Points) which includes a name, description, and point value. Along with other automation capabilities and trigger types, points automations get a private API to interact with their associated point factor: context_v2_pointsAutomation. This API provides the following members to enable points automation:

  • Description. The description of the point factor associated to this automation.
  • PointFactorId. The ID of the point factor associated to this automation.
  • Points. The number of points to award when the associated point factor is awarded.
  • Title. The title of the associated point factor.
  • ArePointsAwarded(userId, contentId, contentTypeId). Returns true if points have already been awarded for the current point factor to the provided user for the provided content, otherwise false.
  • AwardPoints(userId, contentId, contentTypeId). Awards points to the provided user and content for the associated point factor. There is also an override that provides the option to override the description and point value if the automation should adjust the values defined by the point factor.
  • RevokePoints(userId, contentId, contentTypeId). Revokes the points awarded the associated point factor for the provided user and content.

A points automation should use appropriate triggers to identify when points should be awarded or revoked and use the context_v2_pointsAutomation API to award or revoke points when appropriate.

Once a point automation is created, it can be used when creating or editing point factors. Once associated, an instance of the automation will be created and enabled to automate the associated point factor.