User Gallery Widget

I'm just trying to wrap my head around something.

We've got something like 13 different media galleries across our platform.  What I'd like to be able to do for people is provide them a list of assets they created and have it as an entry in their profile page.

Does that make sense?

So, if I go to my profile page there will be a new heading (along with details, achievements, activity, etc.) called "Shared Files" (or something).  On that page would just be a list of things that person created in ANY gallery.  I couldn't see something to use as a jumping-off point, so that's why I'm here asking about it.

On that widget would be everything that the person has shared.  That way if someone asks them for something, that user could just direct them to their shared content page.  It would be similar to an Activity feed, but filtered and show the group / gallery in which the thing is published.

Has anyone done something like that before.