Widget caching not working as expected

We've developed a quick widget that reads some HTML using $core_v2_http.Get, then outputs it into the widget body, e.g.

#set($fileURL = "SOME_SERVER/${filename}.html")
#set($fileResponse = $core_v2_http.Get($fileURL, "%{ Headers = $headers, BypassUrlFiltering = 'false', IsCacheable = 'true', TimeoutSeconds = '5', VaryCacheByUser = 'false' }"))   

#if ($fileResponse.StatusCode==200)

As you can see in the snippet, IsCacheable is true in the .Get parameters.

We are also setting the widget itself to cacheable..

The widget displays the contents of that file fine, but it's not cached.. I can go & change the file contents and it's instantly updated in the widget, leading me to believe it's making the .Get request on every page view & isn't using the cache at all.

We have IsCacheable set in the .Get parameters AND in the widget. DevMode is not enabled on this environment.

What am I doing wrong?