Is it possible to make a custom REST endpoint open to anonymous users?

I'm exploring Telligent for evaluation purposes to see if it's a good option to migrate a large, heavily customized community on another platform to.  One of my requirements is that I am able to implement several custom RSS feeds.  The hitch is that they should not require authentication to view.  Is this possible?  Below is my sample code.  It works if I use jQuery.telligent.evolution.get(...) but not if I just try to open the URL in a new browser tab (I get a 403).

  public class SampleRestEndpoint : IPlugin, IRestEndpoints
    private readonly Action<IRestRequest, HttpResponse> _testEndpointFn = (request, response) =>
      var input = request.Request.QueryString["input"] ?? "default-input";
      var output = new string(input.Reverse().ToArray());
      output = $"<root>{output}</root>";
      response.ContentType = "text/xml";

    public void Initialize()

    public string Name { get; } = "Sample Rest Endpoint";

    public string Description { get; } = "Sample Rest Endpoint Description";

    public void Register(IRestEndpointController restRoutes)
      restRoutes.Add(1, "myendpoint/test", null, null, HttpMethod.Get, this._testEndpointFn);