auto suggestions by usernames

how can I  include a textbox in my page on which when typing there should be users list is suggestion as came into the conversion page recipient inputs.

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  • Thansk for reply but i am trying below code as per your suggestion but not getting users

    delimiter: ',',
    allowDuplicates: true,
    // maxValues: 1,
    onGetLookUps: function(tb, searchText) {

    url: $ + 'api.ashx/v2/users.json',
    data: {
    Usernames: searchText,
    success: function(response) {
    if (response && response.Users.length >= 1) {
    $.map(response.Users, function(group, i) {
    return textbox.glowLookUpTextBox('createLookUp', group.Id, group.DisplayName, group.DisplayName, true);
    } else {
    textbox.glowLookUpTextBox('updateSuggestions', [
    textbox.glowLookUpTextBox('createLookUp', '', context.noGroupsMatchText, context.noGroupsMatchText, false)

    emptyHtml: '',
    selectedLookUpsHtml: [],
    deleteImageUrl: ''});

    above code is not giving proper data , searchText is the text value on change event.

    NOTE: please ignore variables 

  • Can you do a little JavaScript debugging and determine where its failing?  Is the textbox attaching to the glowLookUpTextBox Javascript?  Is the OnGetLookUps being called when you type in the textbox, Are you receiving data back from the call to the Users List Rest Endpoint, etc.

  • I am receiving very less amount data , suppose I type Mohit then am receiving only 1 record but these is around 10 record by username Mohit in our community

  • The usernames option on the REST call you are making is looking for exact matches, it does not perform a search.  Their is no REST endpoint that does what you are looking for.  The is a $core_v2_user.Lookup and Apis.Get<IUsers>.Lookup that will perform a search.  If you don't have access to either of those, you can either use the Search Rest API or add a custom REST endpoint that exposes the Apis.Get<IUsers>.Lookup method to REST calls.