Average response times in forums


Is the average response time in reporting calculated as days:hours:mins:secs?

I was looking at one of my forums and it had the following data:

Average Response Time
11:4:55:09 until reply
7:1:09:44 until suggested answer
3:16:49:51until verified answer
Am I seeing that threads are getting suggested and verified answers faster than they are getting replies?! I feel like I am not seeing the wood for the trees here...

[edited by: OliverB at 2:20 PM (GMT 0) on Tue, Nov 24 2020]
  • The times are in days.hours:minutes:seconds.  The time for replies is the average for any thread with a reply other than by the thread author. 

    The time for suggested answer is the average for any thread with a reply that was marked as a suggested answer, the time is based on when the reply was created, not when it was marked as a suggested answer.

    The time for the verified answer is the average for any thread with a reply that was marked as a verified answer, the time is based on when the reply was created, not when it was marked as a verified answer..

  • That's strange to me, why a reply from the author is not included in the average time for replies. The author may have found the answer and wants to share it with others.

    So, looking at the numbers above, why is the average time to reply higher than the average time for a suggested or verified answer? Is it because I have lots of threads where only the author has responded to their own questions?

    I'm pretty confused...

  • That's strange to me, why a reply from the author is not included in the average time for replies. The author may have found the answer and wants to share it with others.

    So, looking at the numbers above, why is the average time to reply higher than the average time for a suggested or verified answer? Is it because I have lots of threads where only the author has responded to their own questions?

    I'm pretty confused...

  • The author is not include to prevent bumps from reducing the average time for response.  You should have more thread with replies than suggested answers, only the replies that are suggested or verified answers are included in the suggested answer/verified answer calculations. 

    Threads that members are sure of the answer and are suggesting the answers in replies are going to have a lower calculation than threads where people are unsure of the answer and taking longer to reply and may not even be offering suggested answers.

    If the thread author replies with the suggested answer or verified answer that is included in the suggested answer/verified answer calculation because a bump would not be suggested/verified.

  • I still don't understand why the average time to reply is longer than average time to a suggested or verified response?