Chat callback not returning data.

I have chat installed on 10.3.6

When the chat window appears and I input a message, the message doesn't show up as sent unless I refresh the page.

Debugging I see ths URL being called, with an empty response of "{}"

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  • First of all, I know this is 100% NOT Supported, but I did manage to get it working.  I created a third OWIN startup class whose job it was to run through all loaded assemblies, find other OWIN startup classes and invoke them.  This seems to have done the trick and both are up and running.  My auth works and the chat/sockets work now.

     [assembly: OwinStartupAttribute(typeof(MasterStartup.Startup))]
    namespace MasterStartup
            public class Startup
                public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
                    foreach (Assembly startupAssembly in System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Where(assembly => assembly.GetCustomAttribute<OwinStartupAttribute>() != null))
                        OwinStartupAttribute startupAttribute = startupAssembly.GetCustomAttribute<OwinStartupAttribute>();
                        if (startupAttribute.StartupType != typeof(MasterStartup.Startup))
                            object startupClass = Activator.CreateInstance(startupAttribute.StartupType);
                            string startupMethod = string.IsNullOrEmpty(startupAttribute.MethodName) ? "Configuration" : startupAttribute.MethodName;
                            startupAttribute.StartupType.GetMethod(startupMethod).Invoke(startupClass, new object[] { app });