Author exceptions with profanity filter


Is it possible to allow certain users to post content that would normally be stopped by the profanity filter? A colleague wants to post a blog that references breast cancer research, but breast is being caught by the filter right now.

What options are available to exempt content or specific users from being caught by the filter?


Parents Reply
  • Ensure you've enabled the plugin.

    Ensure that the content types you want to moderate are *un*checked on the "Content to Review" tab (only content that you *don't* want to review should be checked on that tab).

    Ensure that the "Number of Allowed Forbidden words" is 0 if you want to immediately flag any instance of those words.

    You can add each of those phrases to the Forbidden Words list, on separate lines as you have done.

    Also keep in mind that there are also various ways to be exempt from this abuse checking, and that you might be testing with an account that is exempt. Review the documentation for more details:  How does moderation and abuse work?  
