this is a test for a issue found with Tags

We discovered an issue with the spam filter and tags in 10.3 (both .2  and .4) where if you enter a spam filtered curse word in the tags of a post (tested in both Forums and Ideas) - it then "breaks" the tags for that specific application. We receive the following error:

I am going to enter a curse word in this posts tags to test and see if we can replicate it here. We weren't able to replicate it here in the Telligent community (I imagine this is version 11.x) - but I can easily replicate it in any of my environments... not sure if this is a 10. issue or if this is just us.... any insights would be great.



added images and updated text
[edited by: Marisa at 8:02 PM (GMT 0) on Mon, Feb 3 2020]