Duplicate existing group

Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to copy and paste a complete group . So including all settings/applications everything. I've tried this with export theme but this option doesn't take over everything (which makes sense). It takes us a lot of time to rebuild a whole group each time with all the applications and settings that are involved. Does anyone know the best way to do this?

Thanks for your help!!

[edited by: Jeroen at 1:36 PM (GMT 0) on Thu, Jan 23 2020]
  • Hi . To be clear, what do you need to duplicate? A group's theme (including its theme selection, theme configuration, page layouts, and widget configurations) should have been copyable with the export/import. The group's settings itself are not part of the theme, and that could be scripted via the API. Do you also need to copy content? Permissions? How far are you going? Most of this should be possible via the API in a repeatable way - perhaps making something of a template - but it depends on the scope of "copy and paste".

  • Hi . To be clear, what do you need to duplicate? A group's theme (including its theme selection, theme configuration, page layouts, and widget configurations) should have been copyable with the export/import. The group's settings itself are not part of the theme, and that could be scripted via the API. Do you also need to copy content? Permissions? How far are you going? Most of this should be possible via the API in a repeatable way - perhaps making something of a template - but it depends on the scope of "copy and paste".
