URL Redirect

Everytime we change the parent group of a particular one, an "internal" redirect its being created. Let's say we have this old URL: ~/support_communities/businessvision/f/businessvisionfeatures, where the parent group is "support_communities" and we want to change it to CA (Canada) the new URL will be something like: ~/ca/businessvision/f/businessvision-features, where the new Parent group will be "ca" (Canada). 

Based on that, if the site contains an old URL that points to ~/support_communities/businessvision/f/businessvisionfeatures and the user clicks it, it will be automatically redirected the new one. That is a common practice and we've been doing it for a long time, but suddenly, stopped to work for one particular group in our community resulting in an error not found page. 

Other groups where we performed similar parent group change, are still working. I've been doing some research and the only place I've found these internal redirects are beeing created is in the Database in a table called te_UrlRedirects. Performing a query pointing to the group that isn't working, I'm getting only 3 rows, which seems to be wrong since that particular group is huge.

So, based on the above:

  • Is that the only place where the redirects are being created/stored?
  • How is possible that the redirects just stopped to work or dissapear?
  • Is there a clean way to restore the redirects?

We are using Telligent 10.1.6

  • te_UrlRedirects were the redirects are stored for groups and applications that are moved.  What results do you get from this query?

    Select * FROM te_UrlRedirects
    WHERE OldUrl LIKE '~/support_communities/businessvision/%'

    That should include any redirects for the businessvision group from its original location.

  • Hi Mathew,

    I'm getting 3 results. And I know this is wrong because we have almost the same structure/configuration in an stagging environment and there I get almost 50 (48 results to be exactly).

    I was thinking, it would be a good idea to do the following:

    • Change the current parent of this group to the previous one "support_communities", save it.
    • Change it back to the one that is failing, which is "CA" (Canada) save it.

    Do you think that process will rebuild the redirects?

  • Hi Mathew,

    I'm getting 3 results. And I know this is wrong because we have almost the same structure/configuration in an stagging environment and there I get almost 50 (48 results to be exactly).

    I was thinking, it would be a good idea to do the following:

    • Change the current parent of this group to the previous one "support_communities", save it.
    • Change it back to the one that is failing, which is "CA" (Canada) save it.

    Do you think that process will rebuild the redirects?
