$core_v2_forumReply.GetForumReplyPageIndex/forumReplies.GetPageIndex IncludeThreadStarter = true doesn't work

in version when calling $core_v2_forumReply.GetForumReplyPageIndex or forumReplies.GetPageIndex when the parameter IncludeThreadStarter is set to true, the result returned is always zero. I think this is a bug. 

Parents Reply
  • You should actually be seeing an error in your exceptions, a SqlException to be exact.

    You can try this, though here is the disclaimer:   

    We do not support modifying any part of the database or its procedures, the change I am suggesting you do at your own risk.

    With that disclaimer out of the way, I only suggest this because you are on 10.0 and would never get a fix for this until at least a future 10.1.

    If you modify the [te_Forum_ThreadReply_GetPageIndex] (back it up first), find this line:

    IF @IncludeThreadStarter = 1 SET @sql = @sql + N'SELECT -1 AS [ThreadReplyId], T.DateCreated AS [ThreadReplyDateUtc], T.UserId FROM dbo.te_Forum_Threads AS T WHERE T.ThreadId = @ThreadId UNION ALL '

    Change T.DateCreated  to T.DateCreatedUtc and execute.   See if that fixes the issue.

    In the meantime I have filed this:

    TE-7161: ForumReplies.GetForumReplyPageIndex Issue

    Completed for,
