$core_v2_forumReply.GetForumReplyPageIndex/forumReplies.GetPageIndex IncludeThreadStarter = true doesn't work

in version when calling $core_v2_forumReply.GetForumReplyPageIndex or forumReplies.GetPageIndex when the parameter IncludeThreadStarter is set to true, the result returned is always zero. I think this is a bug. 

Parents Reply
  • var forumReplies = Apis.Get<IForumReplies>();
    var forumRepliesGetPageIndexOptions = new ForumRepliesGetPageIndexOptions
    PageSize = 15,
    IncludeThreadStarter = true
    string pageIndexQueryStringKey = "Page";
    int pageIndex = forumReplies.GetPageIndex(reply.ThreadId.Value, reply.Id.Value, forumRepliesGetPageIndexOptions);
    I've got a workaround. I just i thought i'd report it if it was a bug, i've not seen other reports of it being a bug, but maybe other users aren't using pagination much now.