How to force rebuilding Document Previews

In 10.1.6, What is the appropriate process to force the rebuilding of the document preview files? Can you just delete the docpreview and docpreview.s tables and then delete all rows from the telligent_DocumentPreview_Files table or may be setting the status to 0? 

Parents Reply
  • That would be good if we were talking about a handful of documents. What I am running into is with the upgrade from 8.5 to 10.1 the previews are all trashed and need to be regenerated. It is 10's of thousands of them. So I would like a way to get them all regenerated as quickly as possible. Particularly because the place where the thumbnail should be in the media gallery file list shows as a URL to the graphic that doesn't exist until the preview is regenerated. It just doesn't look good. 
