Properly using RuleExecutionContexts and Tokens

I'm having an issue using the RuleExecutionContext on a Rule Event with custom Tokens. Essentially, I created a rule for when a user Posts (either reply or new thread). I also created some custom tokens to display for the "When" condition. I only want my tokens to show, but when I set it up, I lose access to the User context on the Action portion of the rule. How can I only show my tokens but still be able to select the triggering user on the Event part of the rule? I've tried a few different ways, but the documentation isn't quite clear. I've tried adding the Get<users> API to my Contextual Data Type ID as well as the Get<Users> API Content Type ID but neither seem to work unless I also add the ContentTypeId for Get<Users> to the ContectualDataTypeIds Enumerable. But if I do that, then it exposes all tokens associated with that ContentTypeId to the Conditional portion of the rules.

// Code from the rule Event
public IEnumerable<Guid> ContextualDataTypeIds
                return new[]
                    Guid.Parse("760f7569-ddde-4ac6-8aeb-722e47eb7d83") // My custom DataTypeId from PostRuleTokens

		public RuleTriggerExecutionContext GetExecutionContext(RuleTriggerData data)
			var context = new RuleTriggerExecutionContext();
			var contentId = Guid.Parse(data["UserContentId"]);
			var threadId = int.Parse(data["ThreadId"]);
            context.Add(Apis.Get<Users>().ContentTypeId, Apis.Get<Users>().Get(new UsersGetOptions() { ContentId = contentId }));
			context.Add(Apis.Get<IForumThreads>().ContentTypeId, Apis.Get<IForumThreads>().Get(threadId));

            return context;

// Custom Tokens
public void RegisterTokens(ITokenizedTemplateTokenController tokenController)
            var dataTypeId = new Guid("760f7569-ddde-4ac6-8aeb-722e47eb7d83");

            tokenController.Register(new TokenizedTemplateToken(
                context => memberService.GetMemberThreadAndReplyPostsCount(context.Get<User>(dataTypeId).Id ?? 0)

            tokenController.Register(new TokenizedTemplateToken(
                context => Convert.ToDateTime("2018-01-01 00:00:00.000") //Test data