Plug-in that acts like content page

Is there a way to create a plug-in that acts like a content page? I would like to add a route, but every page that renders under that route has its own configuration

/key1/{page key1}

/key1/{page key}

one route, but have different widgets on each page

  • Here is what I have for a working POC.
    Plugin is configurable - takes XML as input.
    Plugin reads the XML and registers routes based on the XML
    Plugin creates empty pages for each route.  
    Route actually gets refreshed/added when the configuration is updated, no need to dsable/re-enable the plugin.

    This is intended to create custom blank pages for the purpose of building out a custom content page.  Almost exactly like themed content pages, but without the /p/ in the URL

    Here is the plugin - very rough, but works.  Anything here that could get me into trouble???

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.Xml;
    using System.Xml.Linq;
    using Telligent.DynamicConfiguration.Components;
    using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Urls.Version1;
    using Telligent.Evolution.Extensibility.Version1;
    namespace SampleNamespace.CMS
        public class CMSPlugin : IPlugin, IConfigurablePlugin, INavigable
            private IPluginConfiguration _config;
            public const string ROUTE_XML_CONFIG_KEY = "routeXml";
            #region IPlugin Members
            public string Description
                    return "Implements custom dynamic routes for CMS pages";
            public string Name
                    return "CMS Plugin";
            public void Initialize()
            #region IConfigurablePlugin Members
            public PropertyGroup[] ConfigurationOptions
                    // Options
                    var group = new PropertyGroup("options", "Options", 0);
                    // XML
                    var xml = new Property(ROUTE_XML_CONFIG_KEY, "Custom Routes XML", PropertyType.String, 1, string.Empty)
                        DescriptionText = "XML Document defining custom CMS page routes",
                        ControlType = typeof(Telligent.DynamicConfiguration.Controls.MultilineStringControl)
                    return new[] { group };
            public void Update(IPluginConfiguration configuration)
                _config = configuration;
            public string GetConfigurationString(string key)
                return _config.GetString(key);
            #region INavigable Members
            public void RegisterUrls(IUrlController controller)
                    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                    var routes = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Route");
                    foreach (XmlNode route in routes)
                        controller.AddPage(route.SelectSingleNode("key").InnerText, route.SelectSingleNode("route").InnerText, null, null, route.SelectSingleNode("key").InnerText, new PageDefinitionOptions() { });
                catch { }

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>