SortBy ScoreId - returning zero results

I found the `ScoreId` under Administration > Scoring > Content Quality > Identifiers (link) and believe I'm implementing this correctly however I'm seeing the results drop from 37 forums (before applying `SortBy`) to 0 forums returned in the list (after applying `SortBy`).

	GroupId = 123, 
	IncludeSubGroups = true,
	SortBy = "Score:86BEEAB2-BCE6-4DF2-9797-CA4E72A15C88"

Am I missing something?

Or is this possibly due to a lack of usage (at this point I'm unaware as to any actual metrics that may exist in this regard. I've only found a link under `Scoring > Content Quality` that allows me to see only `Sample Scores (link)`.

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