Authentication and User Accounts

Hi Everyone,

just wanted to ask some advice regarding authentication and user accounts. I'm doing a web application that has it's own authentication and i wanted to integrate telligent using REST API.

For authentication i'm using OAuth jwt token based authentication what is the best approach for this with telligent?.

For User Accounts do i have to create a telligent user accounts also or no need? since i have a user accounts in my application?

Thanks in advance.


Parents Reply
  • The REST API will not work on behalf of the user until they are created in Telligent Community which occurs the first time they access the community with the SSO cookie. When the user logs in externally and hasn't accessed Telligent Community yet, the user account will not yet exist to access the community via REST.

    Once the user account exists, you can choose any grant type to interact with the REST API using OAuth on behalf of the user.
