Server Error in Application after installing 10.1 on my development machine

Following on from my previous problem installing 10.1 on my development system I am following the instructions "How do I install Telligent Community?" I got to the end of the "Install Website" section at point 5 and browsed the site as suggested.

I received the following error which appears to be related to the theme.

I can confirm that I am running using SQL Server 2014 and .NET 4.6.2 well actually 4.7 now.

Your suggestions on what the problem is casing this issue?

  • Patrick,

    Thank you for your feedback and taking into account your feedback and given I was spending many further hours on this issue I decided to start totally again just in case I had missed something.

    The first time I used the SQL Install script I did not review all the messages only looking at the end where it said install successful, but this time I reviewed every entry and noted a lot of entries like the following:-

    The module 'cs_Group_Add' depends on the missing object 'dbo.cs_Security_CreateGroupRoles'. The module will still be created; however, it cannot run successfully until the object exists.
    The module 'cs_Group_Add' depends on the missing object 'dbo.cs_Security_EffectivePermissions_Calculate'. The module will still be created; however, it cannot run successfully until the object exists.
    The module 'cs_Group_Add' depends on the missing object 'dbo.cs_Groups_UpdateGroupTags'. The module will still be created; however, it cannot run successfully until the object exists.
    The module 'cs_Group_Add' depends on the missing object 'dbo.te_SearchIndex_Update'. The module will still be created; however, it cannot run successfully until the object exists.

    There was a large number of these entries which maybe correct or not. No mention was made in the installation guide.

    So, is this my problem?

    Nevertheless I continued following very carefully every line of the installation instructions and the only point I was not sure about was in the last sentence of section 5 headed "Grant Permissions" which said "You'll also need to go back and set permissions on the Database and Filestorage now the local accounts has been created." The question is "local accounts". What local accounts are they talking about here?

    At the end of reinstalling the system I ended up with exactly the same problem I first highlighted.

  • The website account (app pool identity) will need to have Modify, Read, and Write permissions on the filestorage/ folder and all of its contents.

    Without this, the first-run installation will fail and you'd see the error that you originally encountered.

    After correcting the permission issue, be sure to restart the application pool for Telligent Community to ensure that the first-run installation is run again.

  • Errors.log has nothing in it and logs.log has the following

    2017-11-15 20:11:03,609 INFO [4] - Initalising Services
    2017-11-15 20:12:46,969 INFO [4] - Initalising Services
    2017-11-15 20:16:16,419 INFO [4] - Initalising Services

  • Try running the jobservice manually to see if its an issue with the service or job service itself. Double click  Telligent.Jobs.Server.exe and report back if it runs successfully or not. Review the logs as well.

    Also, did you unblock the zip file when you downloaded it? Looking at the log it coudl be stopping at the first sign of reflection which can be a sign for not unblocking the file.

  • The ZIP file was unblocked

    I ran the job Service manually and it appears to be running correctly as below

  • It runs correctly when I start Telligent.Jobs.Server.exe BUT the service remains stopped in Services and stops immediately after you start it.

    I am running the latest version of 64 bit JAVA

  • Could it be related to the user account you are running the service with? Anything in the windows logs?

  • Kevin,

    It was indeed related to a user account.

    The setup program appeared to have added s Telligent user account which did not exist. I set it to the local account and then it started without problems.

    The Event log had not shown any errors or information relating to trying to login which was a bit of a surprise.

    I must say that I am initially quite impressed with this version of Community and I next need to understand the issues related to upgrading from version 4.1 which we upgraded too in 2012 and first started using Telligent community in 2007 when it was called something like CS2007.1

    Clearly the whole framework around themes and widgets is very different, but is it possible to convert our modified "Hawaii" theme to have a similar "Look & Feel" in 10.1 or is that a non starter?

    Thank you for your support and answers and apologies for my silly mistake with the directory slashes

  • is it possible to convert our modified "Hawaii" theme to have a similar "Look & Feel" in 10.1 or is that a non starter?

    If possible, I'd recommend upgrading to use the Social theme. The Hawaii theme is no longer maintained (and hasn't been for a very long time), so much of the newer functionality that you get by upgrading will not be fully exposed by older themes.

  • OK thank you for that and I will use a modified version of the included "Social Theme"

    However, what about the upgrade of the database which has years of data which remains valid to our users today. Most of it is technical answers to product questions and issues which remain an important source of assistance for our users.

    As a minimum we would need to migrate all the threads of all the forums. Is this achievable in your view and if so, where are the migrating issues going to be?

  • The underlying data will be available within the new theme -- the theme is just the visual representation of the underlying data. The database upgrade will ensure that your discussions, blogs, etc are all available within the updated site with the new theme.

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