This automation will send a notification message or email of posts published by a followed member. Notifications will be sent when a member posts a blog post, a forum thread post, forum reply post, or a media post.
Installation Instructions
- Import the downloaded automation file “FollowedMemberNotifications-Automation .xml”. Please follow the documentation listed here on how to import the automation.
- Next you will need to create a rule using the automation script that you just imported. Navigate to "Automations" tab, just above the Automation Studio tab and click "Add"
- For the "Type of Automation" drop down, select "Followed Member Notifications"
- Configure the automation as shown below, and click Save:
Configuration Options
- Name and Description: Provide a name and description for the automation rule.
- Select “Enabled” checkbox to enable the rule
- Type of notification sent to follower: Select either Private message or Email
- Message Body: Enter the Subject: and Body: of the notification message. You can use the tokens Application Type, Followed Member, and Post URL in your subject or body of the notification message.
For example: <Followed Member> just posted <Post URL> in <Application Type>