This automation will send an email notification to the specified role members when an abuse report is submitted by any community member.
Installation Instructions
- Import the downloaded automation file “AbuseReportNotification-Automation .xml”. please follow the documentation listed here.
- Next you will need to create a rule using the automation script that you just imported. Navigate to "Automations" tab, just above the Automation Studio tab and click "Add"
- For the "Type of Automation" drop down, select "Abuse Report Notification"
- Configure the automation as shown below, and click Save:
Configuration Options
- Name and Description: Provide a name and description for the automation rule.
- Select “Enabled” checkbox to enable the rule
- Roles: Select one or more roles for which a notification will be sent when an abuse report is submitted. E.g. Moderators
- Subject: Enter the email Subject of the notification sent to the role members.
- Message Body: Enter the body of the email notification message sent to the role members. You can use the tokens “Abusive Author Name” and “Abusive Content” to provide information to the moderators as to who submitted the report and a link to the abusive content. For example:
An abusive report has been submitted for:
Content: <Abusive Content>
Author: <Abusive author Name>