If your community members generate a large number of ideas, it is important to sort them so that people can easily see and manage the status of the idea. Make your community's list of ideas easier to read through, more structured, and without duplicates using the Merge Ideas plugin.
Sometimes your community members raise ideas that cover the exact same use case or are cases that are very similar. With the 'Merge ideas' plugin, you can merge two similar ideas together into one idea.
The plugin allows you to designate one of the two ideas as a destination idea. Then the plugin automatically archives the other idea, merges it into the destination idea and adds it as a new comment underneath the destination idea. The merged idea will have an “Idea Merged” label and a link to the destination idea.
Idea votes and comments on the merged idea will be added to the destination idea. Voting and commenting on the merged idea will be closed from the moment it has been merged.
(Above you see the merged idea description added as comment to the idea).
Interested? Or want more information about our Merge Idea plugin? E-mail us at team@3sides.co or get in touch via our website.