Post moved notifications, who gets them and why/when?

I see there is an email notification that you can enable that sends an email out to let users know that a thread in the forum has been moved. 

However, I'm not sure that it works in the way we thought it did? 

How we thought it worked:

Someone posts a question in a forum. That question has to be moved over to another forum as it's not related to the subject of the forum it was originally posted in. Author of the post (and anyone who participated in the thread i.e 'has this question too' or replied before it was spotted and moved) gets the 'thread moved' email. 

How it seems to work:

A question posted elsewhere is moved into a forum that I'm subscribed to. I get a 'Thread moved' email notification. 

Can someone confirm what the expected behaviour is please as I'm not sure it makes sense? 

spelling edit
[edited by: Lisa Miles at 10:15 AM (GMT 0) on Mon, Aug 1 2022]