FIltering results by User with core_v2_searchResult.List

I am currently building a widget which can view recent content for various applications by group (and or) by users amongst other facets. I had the basic structure working but when I wanted to add in the user filter, I hit up against a problem. There does not seems to be a piece of documentation which illustrates the exact format for this filter so I am mostly looking at what advanced search does and modifying that to suit my needs.

The filter parameter I am using us author::<userid> but it is not bringing back any results. If I remove the user filter I get all content. Does anyone have a idea where I am going wrong with the format, or maybe direct me to the documentation for programtic filters.

  Query: '*', 
  PageSize: 100, 
  Filters: 'author::2100||group::6', 
  Sort: 'date desc'


typo fixed
[edited by: Chris Rymer at 3:11 PM (GMT 0) on Wed, Oct 6 2021]
Parents Reply
  • Had some good progress via a support ticket. Basically it isn't possible to exclude groups using the Filters parameter, but you can do it via the Query parameter like this;

    #set($options = "%{ Query='NOT (group:7)', Filters='type::forum', PageSize=5, PageIndex=0, Sort='titlesort asc' }")

    You can exclude multiple groups like this;

    Query='NOT (group:7) NOT (group:3)'

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