$core_v2_editor.GetContentScript now returns a semicolon at the end

I am working on an upgrade from v9.0 to v11.1.  I'm running into many javascript syntax errors in some customized widgets that use Rich Text Editors.  It appears that $core_v2_editor.GetContnetScript now returns a semicolon at the end of the string returned and in prior versions it did not.

Thus when I include the script in a jQuery post as part of the post parameters I'm getting syntax errors and nothing works.

Was this intentional?  Below you'll see the .Replace() hack I had to put on a custom widget in order to remove the semicolon and get it to work properly...

                    "description": desc,
                    "seek": $core_v2_editor.GetContentScript('lesson-seek').Replace(";",""),
                    "share": $core_v2_editor.GetContentScript('lesson-share').Replace(";",""),
                    "digdeeper": $core_v2_editor.GetContentScript('dig-deeper').Replace(";",""),
                    window.location.href = response;