auto suggestions by usernames

how can I  include a textbox in my page on which when typing there should be users list is suggestion as came into the conversion page recipient inputs.

Parents Reply
  • Thansk for reply but i am trying below code as per your suggestion but not getting users

    delimiter: ',',
    allowDuplicates: true,
    // maxValues: 1,
    onGetLookUps: function(tb, searchText) {

    url: $ + 'api.ashx/v2/users.json',
    data: {
    Usernames: searchText,
    success: function(response) {
    if (response && response.Users.length >= 1) {
    $.map(response.Users, function(group, i) {
    return textbox.glowLookUpTextBox('createLookUp', group.Id, group.DisplayName, group.DisplayName, true);
    } else {
    textbox.glowLookUpTextBox('updateSuggestions', [
    textbox.glowLookUpTextBox('createLookUp', '', context.noGroupsMatchText, context.noGroupsMatchText, false)

    emptyHtml: '',
    selectedLookUpsHtml: [],
    deleteImageUrl: ''});

    above code is not giving proper data , searchText is the text value on change event.

    NOTE: please ignore variables 
