OAuth new user's password

I have this scenario:

  • We have an external Identity authentication method working.
  • A user is created using $core_v2_authentication.CreateLoginAndRedirect method, with the overload #2, which creates a new user from an OAuth data token
  • On the options parameter, you can include different things like Email, DisplayName, etc.
  • None of them includes a Password option, but the user is created successfully and can login with a token to the site with no problems.

Now, we are updating the Identity provider which is going to send us a different identity ID, in order to update the identity ID, we have the right Username  that matches the Email ; but, there is one last step when we want to link the account. We're gonna be using the $core_v2_authentication.LinkLoginAndRedirect method, which requires $oAuthDataToken, $userName, $password, rememberUser, $redirectUrl as parameters. We have all of them, except for the $password. As I mentioned above, users created with an OAuth data token never used/have one. What should we do?

We are using Telligent


Parents Reply
  • Sorry to bother with this but I have an implementation (working one) of the IOAuthClient plugin. I am now trying to replace with the one you suggested, IExternalAuthenticationPlugin and  I'm seeing that the method GetAuthenticatedUserId keeps calling again and again and again. The first time, I can get all of the information coming from the accessing user and if already exists, I can retrieve Telligent's UserID to return. But since its calling again many times, the second time it gets invalidated of course and I'm stuck. Why this should be happening?
